Tell us the scariest movie you'd ever watched or else

Tell us the scariest movie you'd ever watched or else

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stop frogposting.
This is my last warning.

And what if I don't want to? What you gonna do, white boy?

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The scariest movie I ever saw was The Grudge when I was like 12. Have never been scared by a movie since because horror genre sucks.

Jurassic park

Fuck raptors

Alien vs. Predator and it's not even that scary

>stop frogposting.
>This is my last warning.

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Orphanage fcked me up a bit, becasue of the secretb basement idea. Imagin dieing alone in a secret room in your house

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One hour photo

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Inland Empire and Prince of Darkness.

Near the top of my list.

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Different kinds of scary

>Prince of Darkness
My nigga

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Inland Empire is mostly slow burning but there's three great jumpscares that will never be topped

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Mothman Prophecies

I get startled easily and with the 6th sense i had to watch in 6 different parts and followed

When he got up to pee in the middle of the night and the ghost went across the hall I literally got air off my couch.

> top horror movie jump scares

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Marble Hornets

The exorcist

>near the top
just say what is the top you nigger

Pee wee's big adventure

Horror/thriller unironically sucks as a genre.
It’s just jump scares or body mutilation.
It works if you are scared of the dark or your own shadow or can’t stand the sight of blood. For those who prefer quiet night walks, it really doesn’t do anything.

We have yet to get horror that isn’t just telling it’s viewer “boo” or gore.

Misery is pretty good though. I wouldn’t say it scared me.


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get out.
wypipo give me chills