millennials were BASED

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They really were

>millennial "culture"
>mostly being an edgy retard and hurting yourself

that was mainly gen x i reckon

zoomer troon moment

why are zoomers so retarded?

That was gen x joint

I think youre the retarded one lol

>books the most aggressive numetal they can find
>charges people 12 bucks for a bottle of water
>temperature hotter than the devils asshole
>wonders hey where’s the peace and love bro?

Fucking idiots.


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Nah the 15 year old getting raped in that humvee was definitely a millennial

That's more revisionist history. Use to be those born release of NES were Gen X

stop being anti-semetic. The humble jewish concert promoters did all they could, it is all the fault of Fred Dursk and white males.

I was born in 85 so I'm in the middle between both gens, the Xbox One X of millennials / gen x, but no fucking way is 86 the crossing point.

Thats Gen X

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those 3 year old millenials really fucked shit up

I didn't see the HBO documentary, how does it compare to this one?

fred durst turned an entire generation of men into drumpf voters!!!

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No. That’s how it’s always been. I’m a baby Gen Xer. Born ‘79. They didn’t call them millennials back then but Gen Z

Korn Kino was awesome
How can zoomers compete? Fucking Twitch conventions?

I learned more from the HBO one than after 2.5 hours of the Netflix shit.

I haven't seen the HBO one

This one was really interesting and made you want to be there. Also makes you realise modern life is soulless

>internet historian makes a documentary available for free
>Netflix steals it and sells it on their platform
Twice now. Fyre festival and this.

>Korn Kino was awesome
did they complain about FAGET or DMX NIGGA in this one?

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Millennials were watching Sesame Street when this was going on.

can't find one on Woodstock by him on youtube, spoonfeed me?

They had some coon crying about white people singing along with lyrics that had nigga in them


that dude is so fucking retarded he cannot grasp the concept of the amount of time and effort it took to roll out cellular infrastructure. is this how all morons visualize the past?