Attached: prey.jpg (540x1336, 116.83K)

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>Critical Drinker
Opinion discarded. That fag was triggered as soon as he smelled the faintest whiff of a vagina.

Buy a banner faggot

Technically if they didn't use the predator theme it isn't actually a predator movie they say

Critics mean shit.

I thought it was kino
the chick is badass and hot af

oh no! some ugly retarded faggot reviewer doesn't like a movie. must be terrible!

OP is a cocksucking, man-ass eating, faggotlord.

Attached: lmao.png (318x100, 4.46K)

I've already decided I'm going to like this movie to spite this faggot and the retarded zoomers that keep posting his shit here.

Attached: 1570721421574.jpg (285x298, 17.51K)

>6.6 bad

then why make it about predators?
the kikes couldn't help themselves yet again.
they could have made this about a badass chase&hunt survival movie about two enemy native clans of which one is about to be wiped out by the other with only a couple survivors left. Apocalypto style but with First Blood / Predator 80s flair and lots of traps and handywork shit.
Hollywood is so fucking dead creatively.

yeah astroturf

>Is that a woman?!?!

Always complaining about women

Are there public figures/commentators you agree 100% with on everything they say and believe can never have wrong opinions?

jeremy jahns

I don't watch any because I can form my own opinions. I will never understand the dipshits who watch idiots like OP so they can be told what to think and how to feel about films.


>my heckin rotten tomatoes score
What kind of retarded boomer faggot still cares about rotten tomatoes? lmao

over million wtf

There are plenty of Drinker videos where he had bad takes and his fans disagreed with him in the comments. People who watch his videos aren't as sheep-like as you're making them out to be. It's just a guy expressing his opinion, sometimes it's good sometimes it isn't, and with the exception of a few weirdos most people watching him understand that.

>basing your opinion of a movie on others

speak up user, it’s heard to hear you over the sound of you slurping drinker’s dick

The only time I've seen people contradict him was about the Kong vs Godzilla where he didn't realize people watch the movies for the fights and not for the plot or whatever shit he wants.

And no, most the people who watch his videos are indeed sheep-like where they will agree with anything he says and not make their own opinion. The movie wasnt even out yet and he said the idea was spoiled pretty much because the MC is female

only good predator movie was predator 2 with Danny glover.
Prive me wrong
>protip: you can’t

The seethe is real. +1 to the based guy.

I said the exact opposite of that you fucking retard.

>slurp slurp slurp
still can’t hear you user