Will this fulfil my Succession fix?

Will this fulfil my Succession fix?

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yes, first and second season are very good.

Looks Succession but with niggers

This. The 3rd and 3th are watchable but they start doing this really weird thing with references to other stuff and it becomes jarring

It's a bit schlocky at times, but the underhandedness and duplicity alone make it a great watch all the way through.
People will shit on it cause of Taylor, but Charles Sr., Wags, Dollar Bill, Axelrod's, and Chuck's plotlines/scenes make up for anything ""wrong"" with the show.
What Axe did to the gay cancer guy alone is such a good piece of writing.
Wendy is a treat but I can see chuds having an issue with her too.

If Succession is millennial prestige drama, then Billions is its zoomer younger brother.
>This. The 3rd and 3th are watchable but
You're drunk. Also the quippy references they make are always there in the writing. S01E01 all the way to the latest season.

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Just stop watching when it becomes all about a gender neutral genius who makes no mistakes.

well I'm sold.

>is literally a BWC addict
What did BILLIONS mean by this?

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What's it about?

WM/BF is the most stable relationship bro

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every fucking money nerd knows every "cool" reference, and lyric to what boomers think are cool rock and hip hop quotes, so like these guys that know stocks know every book, every movie every play, every song in pop culture and they are so fucking cool all the time, hehehe it's fucking ridiculous. it just makes the writers look like ultimate tryhard wanna-be tarantino fags. and that gender thing is super annoying because they have to reference it as a they, so you have no idea who's being talked about. and it's just fucking cringe.

And a mentally ill woman who shaved her head.

watch arrested development, succession ripped it off

>ugly moley bald cunt
Don't know, not watching.

Statistically the rate of divorce rises by 60% in interracial marriages.

Doubtful. But pic related will. Jesse Armstrong is one of the head writers, the dialogue and situations are very Succession-ish just with less drama and stakes. Peter Capaldi is fantastic as le sweary scottish man, definitely satisfied my craving for more Succ

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true. the movie is also very good

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>this week on Dr Who, the Doctor hurl vulgar insults and threats at the Daleks until they decide to just fuck off

its like if the most reddit tier elon musk stan cryptofags made a self insert tv show about a cool suave billionaire and his plucky team of miscreants out foxing a prosecutor

seriously the show is stupid

He also did peep show

this is why i didnt watch it and dont intend to
no compromises