This was horrible propaganda for gen x'ers

>this was horrible propaganda for gen x'ers

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>spend all my young life wanting to be alone
>never wanted a family
>now in my mid-30s, want a family real bad
>never felt more alone
>now it's too late
Wish I could get a redo
Oh well, guess I'll sudoku or something eventually once the loneliness becomes truly unbearable

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>the reason for this being bad is too difficult for zoomers to understand

It said Go to the Caribbean to marry and reproduce.

You need to take it in context from when it was made. Keep in mind that it’s only until recently in the past 40 years that marriage has been belittled. When boomers were growing up divorce was unheard of.

How fucking awful it would have been for western society to continue as it had for centuries instead of everything going down the third world shitter

Take some of your bachelor's money and hire a surrogate mother to give you a child or two.

slavoj zizek likes this movie

b-b-but redpill gurus told me that when I get to my 30s thats when younger women will want me... Oh, well....

Hey bro don’t listen to it is completely true that younger women want you (if you have at least have an illusion of something to offer) a lot of girls hate the immature 20 years olds. If you can can like a man compared to the average zoomie you can easily find a respectable younger 20/s girl

I know that feel too. I'm willing to pair up with post wall roasties just to kill the loneliness

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Cope. If you weren’t attracting chicks in your twenties you won’t magically become attractive in your thirties. Money can slow the decline but everyone gets worse with age.

if you're that desperate go knock up a little filipino lady

you are a trump supporter so too bad

I'd hit it.

She is not that bad, definitely would and ghost her after.

What's worse for dating, being a young man or an old woman?

pathetic mentality my dad was in his late 40s when he knocked my mom up get a clue you fucking weak minded piece of shit retard or let your bloodline die like it should

Jew Plan #1 was to make Anglo Americans make slave babies. We wouldn't, so the Jews opened our borders to third worlders.

Too bad chud, she's not interested

It is because more kids = more slaves for the evil aliens.

This but unironically. Once they realized the communism scam wouldn't work in the rest, they decided to create a giant underclass of third worlders (an alternative proletariat) and indoctrinate them to hate whites (an alternative bourgeoisie). Either way it ends in jew rule.

>grad school
>star sign


>No kids, never married, doesn't drink, doesn't care if you're a Trumptard, just wants love
Why is this a bad thing?

*in the west

>doesn't care if you're a Trumptard
I think you misread user

>fall in love and pass on your genes
>be financially successful and have a secure and enjoyable future
>conform to the norms of a civil and pleasant society

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Oh shit I did misread. She's more based this way but limiting her choices.

From the depraved imagination of Jordan Peele

Thank god I got married at 30. Babytime is near.


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Zoomers are unironically the X'ers of our time.

I-is that telling me I should do what every one of my ancestors did???!? AHHHH I'M GOING INSANE