Job creators and entrepreneurship BAD!

>Job creators and entrepreneurship BAD!
Jesus Christ, does anyone actually buy this commie garbage?

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this movie is a comfy watch :)

Show me in the film where they said any of that

They said being over leveraged on credit derivatives is bad, not job creators and entrepreneurship.

Throughout the entire movie? The fact that they try and blame banks and investors rather than dumbasses buying expensive houses and living beyond their means

>financial instruments
>job creators
you didn't even watch the movie

People living beyond their means was what started the downturn, yes

But Banks being over leveraged + piss poor risk management was the reason for the meltdown

and there's no blame to be placed on the people selling houses to illegal immigrants and hookers who can't afford them?

The iconic "guy who makes 30k a year desperately bootlicking like his life depended on it" poster

Yeah the jews definitely did nothing wrong it was the average Americans who are DUMB thats who did it!

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>real estate agents
>hedge funds
>job creators

How'd those people get the money to buy homes that were beyond their means?

Funny how no one mentioned it was Obama who enabled and put a signature on all of this at the end.
Funny how if it were not a democrat they would have named the president that signed the bailout huh?

making that jew that carell plays seem like he was totally heartbroken about making a hundred million dollars was the best part.

ohmygawd marrisa tomei oy vey im so syyyaaaadd

>banks bad
>Rating agencies fraudlent
>goverment dumb
>Real state brokers bad

At what point of the movie do they talk about entrepreneurship?

>muh job creators

Not all jobs are good for the economy, specially the ones that are created during bubbles(misalocation of human resources). Only politicians think that more jobs = good.everytime.

The immigrant in the film was paying rent.
The homeowner the protagonists try to interview (unseen) fraudulently applied for a mortgage.
The movie wasn’t about class warfare.
It was about our permissiveness of fraud.

How were people supposed to know they were living beyond their means when every 'expert' told them they weren't? The crash was caused by institutional failure to manage risk, but you go ahead and think the individual without a degree were supposed to know better than the financial sector....

I was in high school working at Dunkin’ Donuts and the guy who helped me starts checking account started talking to me about a home loan and I started laughing, but I definitely see how dumb people or women would get duped.

The banks gave the dumbasses loans. They knew they had a low level of income, yet they gave them the loans anyway. Financiers decided to buy those loan debts and then investors decided to gamble on those loans paying off or defaulting.

Explain how its not the banks and investors fault for creating that disaster?

>this movie
as if i needed to be told to hate bankers

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And if it was just a few dumb idiots who took loans they couldn't afford, they would be the ones paying for it. But the banks gave out millions of loans to people they knew wouldn't be able to pay them back (hence the adjustable rate bullshit they came up with) and then they doubled down betting that some might adding in even more risk to it.
They lay it out in the film, as long as default rates are low, the few defaults that occurs are paid for by the massive majority that don't default on their loans. It's the banks responsibility to calculate the risk a person might not be able to pay the mortgage, set the rates accordingly or decline the application. But they didn't calculate the risk, nor did they ever decline.

>The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, often called the "bank bailout of 2008", was proposed by Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, passed by the 110th United States Congress, and signed into law by President George W. Bush
>President George W. Bush

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You will never be rich bootlicker

These are not job creators. They are parasites living on arbitage, sucking the life out of real workers hard work while doing nothing. They run Wallstreet and the SEC. They're the ones funding the CP satan cults.