*ruins your final season*

*ruins your final season*

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When you rewatch a tv show it becomes really weird when you get to the stretch of them trying to pitch a spinoff in the show they are still doing.
Like 3 whole seasons of supernatural turn into that shite.

>getting filtered by genekino

I really don't like the Gene shit. It shows him just reverting to his old ways. Where is the character growth? This is how they end his character, he commits petty theft until he gets busted again?

He'll never change, EVER SINCE HE WAS NINE!

Why the fuck wouldn't Gene try to re-live his glory as Saul Goodman? Without that he literally has nothing going on. You're watching this like it's some kinda fucking shounen manga where the character has to le grow to be compelling.

>characters have to grow and change because they just do ok?
anime watcher spotted

>getting filtered by genekino

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>character development happens off screen
6 seasons of Jimmy and he finally becomes Saul off screen, amazing writing

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Its finally a good stuff
The Gus-Lalo confrontation was fucking laughably bad

he was always saul, midwit.



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Im very tolerant and resistant but the end of the current season is so bad I genuinely come to the conclusion that I cannot recommend the show to anyone unless I want them to view me as retarded when theyll finally understand that the show is mediocre at best
kill yourselves dumb thirdworlders and enjoy your miserable life

Gene, Gene, the cinnabon machine!
Did you catch the game last night?

>There are people that didn't like this episode

Does anybody here work at a Cinnabon? If yes, how often do costumers annoy the fuck outta you making Saul references?

what caused incels to rage at better call saul?
was there a scene that reminded them that they're not having sex?

Why didn’t this ugly bastard move somewhere in South America? He could’ve spent his days at the pool with big booty Latina’s, Don Eladio style.

Instead he’s acting out over a (MEDIOCRE) white girl. Does he not realize what happens to right little Lawyer booty in prisons??

it was never good to begin with, and most of breaking bad stories ended on writer's block with nothing to issue but "got-to-do-a-filler-episide-to-get-paid" garbage, which summaries all of bb/bcs viliggan's venture pretty welll

Forgot the pic.

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You mean the show is continuing the theme it established since season 1?

how can you watch BB and 6 seasons of BCS and not understand that Saul is just a fucking character that he puts on for his human trash clients.

He never becomes Saul.

Jimmy was traumatized by seeing his father scammed and decided to become a scammer himself. Even when he was trying to be good, he never understood that he has this flaw and his first response to anything not going his was to cheat (The Kettleman family, billboard, Mesa Verde address switch) but he had people like Chuck and Kim to look up to that kept him from going completely nuts. When he lost them he went completely nuts. Gene was when he was cut off this life and seemed like he might go straight, but he never saw it like a signal that he should go straight.

This entire season is shit. The biggest letdown for me are the "fans" with sunk cost fallacy that defend objectively bad television. It' has become a circle jerk fest filled with cliché's desperately fishing for a grain of nostalgia from the show they bastardized. And the producers of this piece of shit get away with murder thanks to the IMDB and Reddit consensus of retards who would literally rate a 50 minute black and white cut of a cat shitting on a carpet as a 9/10

>Why didn’t this ugly bastard move somewhere in South America?
the federales

Pleb retard.

the last few years every time i go i ask for "The Tacovick Special". the retards working there never have any idea what i am talking about. what a bunch of retards lacking in culture

>It's shit! You're just a fan boy
>Why is it shit?
>Because... uhh well uhh it's because of um.. well you see it's shit because uhhh

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>objectively bad

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huh? sorry i couldn't understand that lol