Rape is... LE GOOD!

>Rape is... LE GOOD!
How did Kubrick get away with this?

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d-did you finish the movie? the whole thing is definitely about le society thinking rape and general mayhem are not good. The whole thing is about the ethics of criminal correction and whether Alex is really "cured" or just brainwashed into conformity. Burgess really plays with the idea of victimhood taking such a scoundrel as Alex and making you feel kind of bad for him when he goes through the correction and his whole family hates him and his old friends who have become pigfuck cops beat his ass

Stopped reading there. Stuttering redditor faggot

I think the movie is very related to the specifics of the 1970s/late 1960s. It's about the youth having the delusion their sexual revolution can have them do whatever the fuck they want.

The movie ends with the ringleader getting fucked by the boomers and also becoming part of the status quo as every other person before him in history.

picrealted is you

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>whether Alex is really "cured" or just brainwashed into conformity.
Clearly the latter. The film is implying that being a psychotic killer rapist is the authentic natural state and society cucks you by socializing you

You can't force a man(boy in this case ig) to change

Message is quite simple, no need to overanalyze it and that's why is so great

Wow, you learned to use memes! Clever little redditor

the guy who wrote the novel is a catholic. i think the point is just that some human beings are broken and that’s the way they are. in the book he grows up eventually and just gets bored of it

wish the film extended the ending a bit and added some of that, would've been be a bigger mindfuck for normies and it's such a powerful message really


I feel like it's just really scathing about efforts to impose conformity. The only way Alex would really be able to change for the better would be for it to come from deep inside his own soul, just like his appreciation for Beethoven

Didn't he write the novel after his wife got raped

a good thread died for this

I re-watched that movie recenty, for the first time without drugs, and I was thinking if it's the one that made the Martens boots a meme to the revolutionary youth.

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He also wrote the jesus of nazareth tv movie. Which is actually pretty good. I like how he makes peter this skeptic working class sort of guy

First of all, if you think that was the message of the story, you're an IDIOT.
Secondly, the movie suck, if only for the sole reason that there were many glaring omissions in it, and certain things got changed around.

Read the book. It's much more interesting, and there are lots of important parts of the book that got left out of the movie, or were changed for the movie, if only for legal reasons.

And make sure to read the British version of the book which is COMPLETE, and gives a full explanation of what the story is about, unlike The U.S. version where they left out the final chapter that wraps the whole thing up.

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Post the exact minute where he says or implies this, go ahead.

>discipline is... LE BAD!

Imagine being this literal-minded

Wrong. The priest, albeit manipulated, literally tells you the entire point: If an evil creature is forced into pain and gagging when they think of doing evil, have you made good? The answer's no, and the bigger answer is that Good isn't even necessarily the opposite of Evil in the first place. All you've made is a, haha title of the movie, clockwork orange. Something beautiful in color and smell that can be controlled. The bigger picture here is that they're not just planning on doing this to a creature of evil, but society as a whole, people who have never broken a social contract and don't deserve this. Breaking the individual.

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>dude just let rapists rape

Of course you don't let rapists rape. That's breaking a social contract and they do deserve punishment. Goddamn you're retarded.

>OP is…PRETENDING to be retarded

Supporting your argument, his lackeys didn't stop being psychotic killer rapists either. They just joined a gang that let them be killer rapists legally.

I'm 99% certain that boot wearing punk subcultures were more an inspiration for the movie's costume design than the other way around.

Where does the film imply this?