The T-Virus

The T-Virus...
It's not like Covid.

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>find a script in a drawer you bought 10 years ago from some tranny at starbucks
>lets make the cast brown because current year
>change the name of one character in it

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A marathon this whole series Jesus Christ what a waste of the day.

The first episode told you that, surely?

Yes. But I was that fucking board

Dragon Ball Evolution.
They took a teenage kung fu movie and renamed a handful of characters to cash in on the popular anime. Everyone involved with DBE disowned it and hopefully the same will happen here.

They made albert wesker black? Are you guys just memeing or is this actually in the show?

meaning it doesnt turn people into zombies and mutates wildlife into gigantic creatures.

yeah, at this point I done a full 180

do you enjoy taking orders from her?

lance reddit lol

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Yep. Michael Fassbender or Anthony Starr would have been perfect but they went with a nigger. And he has two girlboss teenage daughters.

This is the correct way to see it. Its a show, they slapped a name on it for recognition and profit, and thats it. The title means nothing, its just a drama.

Please dont use the word "tr*nny" as an insult though.

sean michaels ain't lookin so good bros...

Why? Are you a tranny?

That's not true the film was literally casted, produced and written as a Dragonball film. This was also around the time tons of adaptations we're being repackaged as live action, and directord and writers wanted their own spin on them. Which is why they all sucked. This shit show was cast with the purpose of replacing white roles and more gender ideology you tranny.


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Cant wait to see how bad they fuck up Avatar. Is Toph gonna be an indian boy wearing air jordans?

If trannies can pretend theyre a different gender for benefits, why cant i pretend im an indian to get that sweet reservation money?

>99% of infected are faggots

Ok now they have to make Chris a fat lesbian since the show is full clown world.