ITT we post good lgbt related movies

ITT we post good lgbt related movies

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Drag me to Hell (2009)

homosexuality is repulsive, this is like asking for the best photo of a pile of shit

Trannies and homos should be gassed on sight.

Attached: 8272938732.png (680x616, 235.24K)

Attached: Cruising (1980).jpg (1000x1500, 603.92K)

Stop posting pictures of me

Mysterious Skin

Attached: The Skin I Live In (2011).jpg (1775x2550, 505.63K)

Smarter people also have higher suicide rates.

avoid My Own Private Idaho its shit

Not the case with the trannies. Seeing an infected hole where your dick used to bee would make anyone suicidal. *flies away*

Attached: 980998347934.png (914x1091, 48.48K)

No need to worry, monkeypox will take care of them.

I like to call it the "homohex".

Homosexuality is cute and i need a bf :(

Attached: ab095e99c48aeba11a169860e0f1b8479eaa5265_00.gif (320x259, 354.23K)

Attached: Boys Beware.jpg (636x904, 33.5K)

Attached: Bruno (2009).jpg (1000x1500, 245.2K)

It’s allegorical (but undeniably there) but I’d say:
X2: X-Men United” (especially)
“X-Men: First Class” (very much present in the Raven and Hank scenes; their conversation)
“X-Men: Days Of Future Past” (there mostly more “implicitly” (for lack of better words) but a great film (superhero film) in general)

(I meant to write “X2: X-Men United”; I forgot the first/opening(?) quotation mark.)

Attached: Irreversible (2002).jpg (2000x3000, 219.39K)

>ITT we post good lgbt related movies
>file deleted
based janjan???????