Blade (2023)

How will they ruin it?

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They will cast a non-black person in the lead role like they always do

>marvel studios
it's already ruined

It will be tied to another multiverse mumbo jumbo won't it? Dracula will be some pawn of Kangz or something



as much as I love Mahershala acting chops, hes got big fucking shoes to fill

Not being rated R

>PG 13

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tying it into the pg-13 MCU

No violence
Blade is gay
He wears a dress
The real Blade is actually a strong Black woman
All the vampires are rednecks

but for real, Snipes made the first movie great.
The rodent will tone it done to PG at best, get rid of all the unsettling themes and dark undertones and shoehorn some contemporary politics into this.
Get ready for Blade Lifes Matter.

It’ll have commercials in it for the next 3 movies they are making diluting it’s ability to stand alone and hold up as it’s own thing.
Captcha: H8WHTE

The vampires will be white supremacists

They cast a 50 year old, its already ruined
It will be about passing the mantle to his daughter or something

>Motherfreakers are always trying to ice skate up hill
>proceeds to kill vampire offscreen

Doesn't matter. They can't top this.

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Shit music

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>"there are worse things than vampires out here tonight"
But he's talking about cops/the patriarchy

We already know Blade is muslim and gay and has a daughter named Edge in this, so what do you think?

They will cast a white Blade

Blade is a buckbroken

As long as they don't fill it with too much unnecessary humor it should be good.

Remember how morbius couldn't even drink blood from a blood pack? They had to turn the contents blue just to secure that PG13 rating.

Imagine how cucked a blade movie will be where they have to awkwardly edit around every kill and can't show the vampires actually munching on anyone. It will be another bloodless, sexless flick on par with the pre-watershed TV edits of buffy the vampire slayer.

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You know they will, user. They saw the one or two quips in the OG movies and they'll increase it exponentially.


You will have a quipping Blade and you will like it CHUD.

You just know some ugly jewish AWFL yenta went through the script with a sharpie and crossed out all the good parts.