"Who is the protagonist!?!...

>"Who is the protagonist!?!? You're not allowed to make a movie without a clear cut protagonist unless you're Nolan or Scorsese!"
>"The Phantom Menace?!? That doesn't sound like a Star Wars title even though the entire series is based off of 1950s serials George Lucas read! No! It's too corny!"
Jesus christ. Aside from the CGI and JarJar binks, the majority of criticism leveled at this movie from actual fans is shit tier.

Attached: PhantomMenace.jpg (455x679, 58.39K)

>>"Who is the protagonist!?!?

How about the fact it's basically redundant? You can stat watching AOTC and everything from TPM is summed up for you in a few lines
>muh maul fight
looked cool sounded cool but didnt need to be there
>muh jedi arent invincible
that was common knowledge already and was shown later as well just in case you are a brainlet
>underwater city
served absolutely no purpose
>pod racing
see above
>blowing up the big ship at the end
retarded way to show anakin is a good pilot and unnecessary
>muh mother
there was no need to waste an entire movie for that and was also explained in AOTC just for the brainlets
The movie didnt need to exist. Goes for the entire trilogy but TPM is exceptionally unneeded. Fuck you Lucas

No, they’re right. A clear protagonist is needed in sci-if and fantasy stories as the world needs explaining to the audience and this is best communicating by way of the protagonist learning.

Still the best prequel movie and that’s a fact

>The Phantom Menace?!? That doesn't sound like a Star Wars title even though the entire series is based off of 1950s serials George Lucas read!
Retarded is retarded even if you have an explanation as to why it's retarded, you retard.

You literally don't. There's nothing that you can explain with a protagonist that you can't explain through other means. In fact, having multiple characters as the focus instead of one means that the world gets much more fleshing out rather than having be strictly reduced to one person.

>starting with AotC

Attached: 1625421754572.png (1920x1080, 1.08M)

You are right AOTC should be skipped as well because ROTS is the only watchable one unless you care about detective Obi

Cool it with your hyper reductive storytelling takes that primarily come from shitty pop media please.

Qui Gon was the main character. How isn't that obvious? Anakin and Obi-Wan are equally the protags in the next two.

Anakins relationship with his mother, the Jedi councils skepticism of him and the beginning of Palpatines rise in politics is explored in TPM and inform the next two films

both of these movies should have been rolled into one. AOTC should have been Episode 1 while still rolling in the fact that he never truly gave up on his mother. Episode 2 should have been the clone wars, while Episode 3 could be left alone.

If the film worked it wouldn’t be a valid point, but it doesn’t so it is.
>Qui-gon is the protagonist
He dies and isn’t mentioned until the very end of the ROTS. None of the characters reflect on the impact of his death in the other 2 films, no “the council has missed Qui-gons worldview since he passed” or “I tried my best to train anakin but I wish I could have had my master to turn to at times”.

Qui-gon doesn’t even grow as a character. A scene where he talks to Obi-wan questioning his belief in the chosen one prophecy was sorely missing. It would have given the audience some exposition about the importance of anakin and could have served to develop Obi-wan whilst also emphasising the mentor-student relationship

Coupled with 4 different battles at the end where the only person given enough screentime to be considered the protagonist dies the whole ending feels flat to cap off the overly ambitious and poorly put together story

>a kid loves his single mother very much
You dont really need an entire movie to show that
>jedi council skepticism
They are still skeptical in the later movies. once again you dont need a whole movie to show that
>palpatines rise in politics
Wasnt that one scene at the very end? you could have added it at the start of AOTC along with the important bits before a timeskip and removing the romance parts everyone hates?

The movie was contrived as fuck and full of inconsistencies, its hard to enjoy if you can't turn your brain off. Like for instance, instead of just taking the part they need from a blatant crinimal, quigon willing let's a fucking TODDLER enter into a death race, like what kind of twisted ideals does this character have?

Who said all Sci Fi movies need to have "clear protagonists"? Do you think every painting has "clear protagonists"? It's a visual medium and a movie can simply be an experience meant to look aesthetically pleasing to the director and convey a range of emotions.
What if I don't necessarily always give a shit about your aesop morality tales and I just wanna make a movie that conveys my feelings, or perfects a certain production technique?
Your perception of art is inherently limited and formed by nothing but pop culture. Which is fine, except for when you try to start gatekeeping art based on your own ignorance.
Tell me, do all paintings have plots? Do sculptures? Does all music have a "clear protagonist"? No? Then why should all movies especially in one specific genre follow this completely arbitrary rule? That's limiting what the medium is capable of expressing.

Dumb pseuds. This is why you’ll never make anything of worth if you completely go against basic fucking tenants in story telling.

What's the point of this movie? What does it do that is so important for meesa to see in order to understand the other movies?

It was just nostalgiabait meant to sell toys
>dude remember tattoine
>dude remember c3-po
>dude remember jabba

>1950s serials
What does that even mean haha
I'm not a boomer, are serials what boomers used to watch before TV became a thing?

>A scene where he talks to Obi-wan questioning his belief in the chosen one prophecy was sorely missing.
Well you know, that's because both times Obi-Wan tried to breach that topic Qui-Gon told him to shut the fuck up and stop being disrespectful.