Why not give it a theatrical release?

Why not give it a theatrical release?

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Do white actresses ever get cast in movies anymore??

Yes, dozens of them.

jewish accounts seems to think the tax write-offs from not releasing it will make more money than sales.

Or, they say "it's so bad" to try and generate some weirs hype behind it then release next year

Confirmed it'll suck if it couldn't be put into a theatre

Because they are insecure about it. They even removed the name PREDATOR from the title because THE Predator was a complete disaster

Because it's a B-tier movie and it shouldn't

This is the new strategy to hide the losses for woke shit.

They know it’ll bomb at the box office but that would show the narrative is failing.

Disney plus does the same thing. They put all their woke trash on streaming.

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Wow that must be a tiny Predator based if those laser dots


Define woke, and what is woke about Prey?

The reason why it doesn't have Predator in the title is because originally they wanted it to be a surprise. The plan was, post the last film being a disaster they wanted a back to basics plot on a low budget. It would have been released with no hint the Predator was in it leading to a big audience surprise. Grassroots viral campaigns over the surprise would help make a small profit against a small budget and reset the franchise a bit.

Instead they scrapped that plan and dumped it to streaming.

>native woman from historic times wearing lip gloss and manicured eye brows
The fuck is wrong with these people

the more they push white people out. the more white people will gather. whitopia is obtainable in your lifetime!

>Women that fight in battle and are stronger than men
>Woman character does everything better than her male counterparts without explanation
>White male characters die or is evil
>People of color always fighting on the good side
>If a person of color is evil, they get a redemption arc
>aggressive depictions of same-sex relations
>traditionally male character replaced by a woman
>gay/lgbtq characters smarter than everyone else and/or flawless
>children smarter than adults
>bait and switch an established franchise to push a new derivative character thats a woman or poc the fans arent familiar with
>being able to guess the plot based on the race and gender of the character
>in battle scenes characters usually die in order of how much privilege they have. white male dies first.
>young girls that are smarter than adults

What am I missing?

>Instead they scrapped that plan and dumped it to streaming.
Some exec saw what the upcoming theatrical releases were and thinking about COVID losses and issues, went huh? This plan seems silly. Dump it to a streaming service.

Some of these are just dumb tropes
>children smarter than adults etc
But yea the worst being the bait and switch and making woman hero a marry sue
My favorite is how much editing they have to put into making a woman seem like a good fighter when they have twig sized arms and show up after 4 hours of makeup and hair

And also every scene they have to affirm to the viewer how awesome the woman character is.

Like in Endgame how Thor has to say “I like this one.” about captain marvel.

>Boast about the entire cast (Apart from some racist French trappers who all get killed off quick) being Commanche Indians

>Main actress is is a white/ asian with 1/16th native american

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>tax write-offs
you are an idiot.

it's almost like the (((moviemakers))) don't actually give a flying fuck about other ethnicities but just exploit them for their own ends...

So the Alien franchise IS woke then
>Women that fight in battle and are stronger than men
>Woman character does everything better than her male counterparts without explanation
>White male characters die or is evil
>People of color always fighting on the good side
>traditionally male character replaced by a woman
>children smarter than adults
>young girls that are smarter than adults
All of these describe Aliens btw

In a movie about native americans?