

Attached: Metalheads.jpg (780x787, 177.03K)

Heck yeah

They’re going to be severely disappointed if they go to a metal show today. Imagining a bunch of tiktok zoomers going to a chat pile show or something makes me laugh though.

omg ew haha so weird lol

Nigger Fatique has finally set-in

Good, metalheads deserve the love. I'll always be pro-metalhead


For me, it's Anthrax

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Now that I'm almost 40 and my hair is failing out....

Glue it back on

Fuck yeah, this is my moment again.
First my twink looks finally paid off because of Timothy Chamalet. Now my denim vests, biker jackets, and leather pants get a work out too

So far behind Slayer, Megadeth and Metallica it's untrue. Scott Ian sure loves appearing in every music documentary ever made though.

hope you die soon

I want to see how they'll cope.

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Wow, awesome! A new type of person that it’s cool to be! All I have to do is buy a couple thousand dollars worth of “vintage” branded clothing! Maybe some posters, and of course I’ll have to update my playlists! Oh man, I can’t wait to get pussy!

when I was a teen everyone in my family mocked me for being a metalhead and I never forgave them despite no longer being a metalhead. It was the first time I realised that people think they have a licence to make fun of you if you like something unpopular.

Me too. The less time spent surrounded by faggots like you the better

You could go full Rob Halford. Or do the Poison Bandana thing

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Metal Kino thread?

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Metal isn’t unpopular. There are plenty of acts that aren’t popular but the genre as a whole is quite popular.

billy was actually hot, this guy looks like a potato

Fuck yeah, I am dusting off my biker jacket. Thank fuck my hair are still in pristine condition.
This is my time!

man I do love me some black metal. for the most part I keep the fact that I'm a metalhead to myself. accept of course when I'm going to shows.

Here's a good history lesson for all you young posers

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>billions of searches
does Liz Scarlett know what this word mean?

For me it's Testament.

less than probably 5% of the population can tolerate metal. I'd say that's unpopular

YASSSS the internet is THIRSTING

40 year old faggot (you) and arguing with young studs (me) online - you're gay.

It's unpopular. If metal subculture was any popular, wokies would already be all over it.

>You could go full Rob Halford.
monkey pox?

>all the thirst over the actor
>in real life when they meet him, it's all buzzcut and facial hair and 'GOR BLOIMEY, WOULD YA LOIKE SUM FISH N CHIPS AND MUSHY PEAS GUVNAH!?!?'

they're gonna ruin another thing aren't they?
not that current year metal scene is really worth protecting

most people hate metal, especially women. people like 'badbunny".

From what I've been told, the wokies are over it when it comes to the magazines/publications but the actual metalheads reject that/don't give a fuck.

Depends on what type of metal, right? Most people are cooler with something like Motorhead (which often gets characterised only as rock) as opposed to some high pitched shrieking black metal thing