This is a 34 year old man

This is a 34 year old man

Attached: cheers norm.jpg (2100x3120, 2.01M)

Almost the same age as me and I don't look nearly as old or fat. Did people just look older back then?

Why the fuck do I look 18 at 34?

built for big bear cock

Everyone back then chain smoked and was constantly doing hard drugs at parties. Their bodies decayed faster

At least he has all his hair

Balding is a zoomer thing, its from all the onions

in 1985, yes
side note, why didn't his career ever take off? he wasn't a bad actor

you're short

All the heavy smoking done directly, boozing, and 2nd hand smoke

Cause he looked like that with 34

I'm 34 and I feel like pic related.

Attached: Nicholas_Colasanto_Coach_Ernie_Pantusso.jpg (250x375, 19.85K)

I'm 34 and I look worse

apart from the hair and the suit he looks like a lot of 34 year olds today.

He just didn't strike gold with another good role so he was always just Norm. Do you remember the George Wendt Show? No, nobody does.

Attached: The George Wendt Show.jpg (1385x1314, 591.73K)

these two guys are less than a year apart in age

Attached: WlNvU96.png (514x387, 374.53K)

No it's not, he had bushier hair in the first seasons
>Ted Danson is one year older
I don't even know what to believe anymore

Attached: Zoom Zoom.jpg (570x432, 40.99K)

Cliff and Norm are so based

>The actor who played Frank Sobotka was 37 here

Attached: franksobotka.jpg (1440x1080, 84.78K)

no, you've just come to associate his style of fashion as "old" if he wore stuff that millennials wore his age would look accurate to you
take the rock for example, photos of him in high school make him look older than he actually is today

Attached: file.png (700x700, 348.49K)

retard alert

why does he look mexican