We need an actress for our Oscar movie from mid-late 90searly 00s

>We need an actress for our Oscar movie from mid-late 90s\early 00s ...

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Bitch was ugly but had a great ass

She used to look cute....sometimes

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We need a woman to play the potential lover whose not ugly per se but attractive enough to be inoffensive to audiences but unattractive enough and witty enough to play the fun escapist 'new woman' for the dull, worn, and jaded married man living in 90s central new York

I call her jodie notster

She is classic "my comfy gray mouse smart and kind next door girl and I have a chance with her". Sadly - no such type of women in movies anymore...

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I just rewatched Eyes wide shut and she was sneaky cute in that

Some people think that she's a tranny.

She was hot in the mid 90s

gonna need proofs

blocks you're path

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Thumbnail looked like David Spade

Hellen Hunt sucks, for me it's Bonnie Hunt

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i honestly thought she was a lesbian for the longest time

>we need a young 90s's slag who looks like she's been passed around more times than a hanky at a COVID party

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I read it as "and the Director of SNEED".
I think im officially too far gone now. This site has broken me.

she was super cute in cape fear

literally discount Jodie Foster

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built for buffalo bill cock

Lucky Bob De Niro

Its cruel to post something like this and not include a pic