
kino like this, cheating on her fiance for a girl with silicon dick.

Attached: 1655483906356.jpg (3840x2160, 655.76K)

Attached: WillowxTara.png (655x362, 256.65K)

why would you choose fake over real??

Jews, mental illness


Below Her Mouth

Mods are waking up

Cause men are smelly and gross.

Room in romw

lesbians rarely ever have sex like this. oral is much more pleasurable for women. as a lesbian, why would you be attracted to male genitalia? kikes can't even get lesbo right

you tell em pedro! everyone knows youre good at oral!

Who is the intended audience for strapons then?

Your dad.

male lesbo porn watchers
other kike degeneracy

Closeted homosexual men who manipulate their girlfriends into pegging them

>lesbians rarely ever have sex

You might enjoy this OP. Although definitely nothing as nsfw as strapon sex, I'm pretty sure the most you see is intense kissing. But covers the cheating angle pretty well.

Attached: MV5BNGM2ZTFlMjQtMTcwMi00NDFkLThlZjEtZTUwOGE5MjI0OTVjXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTAyNjg4NjE0._V1_.jpg (947x1400, 209.49K)

lesbos just beat each other up because that is their pastime of domestic abuse

>dudes commit the majority of the worlds murders
>"but a-actually its lesbians that are violent!"

Real dicks give you AIDS and are attached to ugly men instead of pretty girls.

That's transphobic. Only trans men are allowed to wear the penis.

Me and my mate rented this from a dairy when I was 10 or 11 because it said it had sex scenes.

Attached: MV5BNjcwN2RhYWYtOWY1NC00M2JkLTllYWItYzZhOTg4NjZmMDcwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTQxNzMzNDI@._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg (1000x1503, 126.8K)

not at all, lesbians have the highest % of domestic violence