Small village in the UK has a higher murder rate than St. Louis and Lord inspector Cockingtonshire is on the case

>small village in the UK has a higher murder rate than St. Louis and Lord inspector Cockingtonshire is on the case
Why do bongs love these shows? They don't have enough crime so they have to create it?

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It's a quality series.

In March 2011, the series' producer, Brian True-May, was suspended by All3Media after telling the TV listings magazine Radio Times that the programme did not have any non-white characters because the series was "the last bastion of Englishness and I want to keep it that way". When challenged about the term "Englishness" and whether that would exclude ethnic minorities, True-May responded: "Well, it should do, and maybe I'm not politically correct." He later went on to say that he wanted to make a programme "that appeals to a certain audience, which seems to succeed." True-May's comments were investigated by the production company. He was reinstated, having apologised "if his remarks gave unintended offence to any viewers", but subsequently stepped down as producer. ITV said it was "shocked and appalled" at True-May's comments, which were "absolutely not shared by anyone at ITV".

It's not a village lol.

I made the same mistake at first as well.

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>bongs can't have butter knives without a loicense but still manage to commit an untoward amount of murder by making people choke on their pet parrots, pushing people off roofs, and poisoning their enemies with foraged mushrooms.

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It's several villages actually

They're whatever I guess. The early seasons seem extremely British to me. The later ones just remind me of the shows we have here in America
.This is also quintessentially British, with the fat blonde mom who takes charge and gets things done no nonsense style.

unironically a case of a comfy atmosphere for me and being very british. was a fun detective show
latter seasons suck because of dudgeon and the rest of the cast being a revolving door. doesn't even feel like the same show

Everyone misses Sykes, but you have to let yourself heal.

It still doesn't capture the true horror of Hebden Bridge.,

for me, it's Gavin "god hates poofters" Troy

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>Rachel fucks up her personal life
Funny that I cared more about two middle aged detectives personal lives than whatever happens in American "dramas". God I hate American actors.

Forgot my pic because I'm a nonce.

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>*slaps your ass and calls you 'pet' in your path*

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Unfathomably based
Sometimes the boomers are alright

outta my fucking way

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How similar is Morse and Lewis, the shows?

>better acting and cinematography than most current shows
heh, nothing personnel

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