How did people know the names of TV episodes before digital cable?

How did people know the names of TV episodes before digital cable?

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You really didn’t.

Tv guide

they were at the start of each episode, in the intro. otherwise they didn't.

The TV guide, zoomie

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Literally everyone had a tv guide in the house, if not that the newspaper had tv listings.

They did not, they guessed and deduced them.

They didn’t. You would just ask your friend “have you seen the one with the/ where they/ when the” and if the show is good they immediately know or don’t know.


You are obssesed, take your meds feel the grass cope and seethe.

What am I suppose to do? Turn it on, and wander aimlessly?

This is unironically why Friends episodes are named the way they are.

seinfeld even had an episode about the tv guide


TV Guide never named the episode ya dope

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what meds do you take

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TV Guide or their local paper if they really cared enough to know. Which 99% of people didn't.

just imagine how comfy it was to live in the 90s. where the best selling news was tv guide. because thats everything everyone ever did

My tv guide did. It had episode descriptions to

>A TV Guide is never handed to another human being, it's always thrown
cringe boomer. You're not gonna 'keep on truckin' anymore you fat sack of shit. Stop creating generational wars when we all hate you equally.

Idk but my family would just make up shitty generic names for the episodes. Like the one where they go to the chinese restaurant, we'd just call it "the chinese restaurant" or when they get stuck in the parking garage, we would just call it "the parking garage"

I love the episode of Curb where Larry is still pissed off that he agreed to be on the cover of TV Guide

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It was alright, I kinda miss movies with commercials.

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>Which 99% of people didn't.
Yes they did. What else did they have to care about back then? People read TV Guide religiously because there was nothing else to do. Everyone knew the names of the most popular Seinfeld episodes in the 90s.

you can still have them, user

it's still kino to catch a random movie on IFC or something that you haven't seen in years. Streaming gives you too many options and it's hard to pick sometimes

Don't vent to me you faggot zoomer. Take another xanny bar and complain to your tranny "friends" on discord instead.

I never knew a single person who actually read the TV Guide, but weirdly enough in almost every one of my friends houses growing up it would be somewhere buried under other papers or books.