Why does Palmer make this face right after the blood test shows he's a Thing?

Why does Palmer make this face right after the blood test shows he's a Thing?

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You mean before?

Yeah before, my bad. Is the movie implying the alien is emoting from its own thoughts? I don't get it

Yes, pretty sure the people things still think they're human, but have suspicions, especially when they do abnormal things. Palmer was a thing for a while, maybe even the first one taken, so he knew the jig was up

He knows the real thing is the friends we make along the way

What? That makes no sense. How would people things still think they're human? They did shit like destroying the blood bank, planting false evidence, and building a spaceship.

Maybe he did it on purpose without influence from the Thing. Could be he never knew. This whole movies is a metaphor for AIDS btw.

It recreates you perfectly and the best way to get you to act normal is to think you're normal. But they'll have nagging suspicions that something isn't right. Like Blair put up a noose but then couldn't bring himself to use it and started thinking he needed to get out since he was ok. The thing will give suggestions in your head and you follow them not knowing why, like "go destroy the blood" and you do. But when it's time for the thing to come out, it's almost a surprise for the host too

Ever heard of blacking out?

>you are you
>thing take you over
>thing replicates you perfectly with its own cells
>you are dead because your cells are dead
Is this not how it works?

The Thing didn't build the spaceship, it killed whatever did

They made a new Fantastic 4 movie?

I always took it as The Thing going “ha, well damn”

I wonder what the mutation feels like from the instant you perceive it until your conscious fades out. Probably insanely painful

No you're still alive just not the original you. It's like going through a transporter in Star Trek. It's basically canon that he was studying spaceships before and took his chances in the chaos to begin building one to realize his dream. The Thing was merely along for the ride.

Blair-Thing literally built a spaceship piece by piece

For you.

I always thought that The Thing was in full control and only spazes out while transforming because it's in fight or flight mode.

I always thought the thing is 100% in control and is just imitating people. Remember that the previous persons cells are pretty much assimilated instantly it's not an infection. Best way to notice who the thing is is an absence of social interaction.

I'm kinda of annoyed no one in the movie at a single point tried to talk to the Thing. Obviously you wouldn't have it respond but wouldn't someone at least try in that scenario?

Palmer is the shadow from the beginning that the dog took over, he was evil the whole movie through and performed all the villainy.

Norris, being a fatty, got thinged from contaminated food (Fuchs talks about this) and thus his transition was more of a Theseus-Ship scenario, and he was never aware he was a The Thing until the The Thing clogged his arteries with burger grease and he died.

Blair got contaminated internally as well as a result of all the The Thing goop he kept sticking in his mouth and he realized this as he was conducting his computer game simulation thing, which is when the The Thing inside him thinged out and killed and took over him. This is when he disables the radio room as a ruse pretending to be crazy, it was all an excuse to get isolated so he could build his spaceship.

Don't argue with me.