Any Forums on TV

What do you think?

Anything missing?

Attached: pizza_4channer.webm (1120x630, 3M)

this "creature" used to post on /soc/ getting his ass fucked by men

Unlikely as she's just an ugly girl, not a tranny

Thats not a woman no way

Attached: 1624135349367.webm (1156x650, 2.99M)

>post, send, boom

I say that all the time after I post too.

>It's Apu

Attached: EfXCE01UYAA8csO.jpg (798x644, 41.03K)

>/wsg/ has sound and the television and film board doesn't

Attached: 1439438488518.gif (240x176, 911.34K)

>wide shoulders
>androgynous looking face
>woman being on Any Forums
100% tranny

Peepee and peep derivatives

wb the episode of law and order with the gamer girl

uhmm excuse me sis, that's actually apu and not pepe, you can clearly see that even tho who gives a shit

What is this show? Is it the incel documentary from a few years ago, or is it something new?

The law and order moot episode too.

>every ugly girl is a tranny
imagine being this obsessed

Yeah it's not tfw no gf.

Think it's new but idk

Does this guy still make videos

they posted their pp on r9k i seened it with my own eyeballs

Why didn't the pepe creator like the fact that he has given a mascot to a group of disenfranchised wayward incels?

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that's 100% a tr00n, wanna see his ass


Attached: MV5BMzU4Yjc5MjYtYWRjNy00OTM1LWI0YmMtODZkYTYxOTE5OWRmXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyODc4NDc3NQ@@._V1_.jpg (1000x1500, 259.95K)

>dumb frogposters are dumb
imagine my shock

Attached:[2022.01.27_16.48.08].png (720x1280, 676.1K)

his name is peepo

He didn’t like when people used it for far right extremist retardation, but that’s any easily edited meme

This was a tranny that eggman fucked. Look it up. It happened.

>talking about Pepe
>it's Apu

Attached: 1629769839400.jpg (750x563, 276.97K)

>these are literally the kind of people you’re spending your countless mornings, afternoons and evenings arguing with in here

this person is a tranny though and he isn't ugly, he has a nice ass

I literally and unironically cannot tell what gender that is. At first I thought it was a woman, but then on a second though now I’m not sure anymore

you are broken

Post proof faggots

What do they gain by name dropping us?