Wait, so he was guilty of raping his daughter?

Wait, so he was guilty of raping his daughter?

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>inquiry into faith
Aka atheist trash

No. It actually presents the quintessential essence of Christ Cuckry. Turn the other cheek just 10x morbid.

What? If anything this is just telling you Catholicism is a piece of shit bastardisation of Christianity which shouldn't be trusted.

have you watched it? gleeson plays a priest who's been a genuinely good person his entire life, but various circumstances and horrible publicity of the church makes everyone distrust and disrespect him by association. the only thing he's really guilty of is feeling removed from the various heinous acts committed by other members of his faith. definitely worth a watch, and I fucking despise Kelly Riley as an actress so you know I'm serious if I'm still recommending it.

What about the scene at the end? It's implied he's simping for her and he kills her dad because she can't or won't.

that's a very different interpretation from what i got user. I assumed it was her visiting him in prison to try and forgive him for murdering her father, like her father would have wanted. his whole reasoning for killing him was to fuck with the church by removing a genuinely good part of it.

It was her trying to understand why he did what he did and maybe learn to forgive him, as her father already did

He didnt rape anyone, hes a good person

You fool. They were in love and he goes to confession on her behalf at the beginning and vows to kill him down on the beach. His goodness is real but he starts to unravel near the end to show something else (His conversation with the little girl is unsettling and paedoish).

how old are you? just curious. movies aren't actually better when they have a secret subtext plot that subverts all the other messages of the movie.

How old are you? There's subversion throughout the entire movie and a bunch of red herrings to boot.

maybe i'm missing a bunch of stuff cuz it's been like a year since I watched it, but I don't see how that would make for a better movie than the surface level interpretation.

He raped his daughter and despite him living a good life and not harming any of the other characters in the movie he still had to pay for his sins (His torment throughout the film, including his dog being killed). And remember how his daughter said say bye to the dog? She knew it was already dead because she killed it.

This isn't rocket science.

>This isn't rocket science
Yet you are trying to make it that.

this is still a worse version of the actual movie. your theory could be right, but it's less interesting than the basic plot of the film which makes me think it's wrong.

The dog was killed by the rich guy. It's why the rich guy is crying to the priest at the end of the movie (he feels guilty about it) right before the priest gets shot by the molestation victim.

>exists for 1500 years before "real christianity" pops up
Yeah might want to get your time tables check out there buddy, also pop quiz when was the bible put together/who dictated what is Canon?

Christianity started with Christ. And no, you don't get into heaven by being sorry for all the bad shit you did; you still did all that shit.

>In a dark Catholic confessional, an unseen man tells Father James he was horribly sexually abused as a child by a priest, promising to kill James at the beach the next Sunday
fucking retard

brendan gleeson dies in every movie. what's up with that

Did you even watch the film? Because you're the one who sounds fucking retarded.

>Did you even watch the film?

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Well shut the fuck up then.

you are over-interpreting an extremely simple movie

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