I'm gonna miss Tokyo Vice. Season 1 was a good start and it had a lot of potential for future seasons

I'm gonna miss Tokyo Vice. Season 1 was a good start and it had a lot of potential for future seasons.

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it got a season 2 though

It's not going to survive everything at HBO Max getting axed.

nah. each subsequent episode was worse and worse. agree it had potential but man that show went down clicheville fast. that final episode was fucking dire, too. rip. doubt it gets a second season after what's going down with HBO discovery these days.

i mean i hope it gets renewed but the moral of the story is miniseries are the superior format

I actually just read the book, how this white kike survived the Vice world (which season 2 would be about) is laughable.

I’m fairly sure this big nosed Jew is full of shit

>the jews run the world

i literally stopped watching at that point
i'm gonna start again but that was so shitty to include

I will never watch this shit solely because of the ridiculous bimbo lips the Jew playing the Jew has


Traveling to Asian countries and making up fantastical bullshit stories about your adventures is a time honored gaijin tradition since the days of Marco Polo.

>the jew fears the samurai

> full of shit
he is. we know he is. we still dig the show. just roll with it.

No I agree, the book was great. And I loved the show. But yeah, there’s no way this fuckin kike from Missouri managed to survive the underworld of Shibuya for five years and only get the shit beat out of his once is nuts

Kek I chuckled at this

the real question is if Mann and co. knew Adelstein was full of shit and went with it anyway. I don't think Mann has commented on the allegations of bullshittery.

from what I can tell from a cursory google search only capeshitters are worried about their garbage getting axed
they just committed to season 3 of Warrior (a show only I have watched) in 2023 a week ago, I'm not worried about Tokyo Vice

I mean they 100% knew. The book is almost 15 years old and when you google Allenstein it comes up immediately.

I don’t doubt he broke the UCLA transplant story, since he 100% had contacts and that’s all been verified by the DoD (and the UCLA story is the biggie)

But the Vice sex stuff, and the shit with him saving the hookers and under covering the sex trafficking is 100% bullshit.

Those Russians running it would’ve clapped him and not thought twice about it, the japs are pretty much afraid to kill Americans, the eastern bloc dudes aren’t

haven't read the book. late to the game. worth a read, anyhow, given the givens?

btw, he just wrote a piece for the daily beast about Abe's party's political connection to the fucking moons. strange stuff.

He threw her blonde friend under the bus (and she was tortured and killed) and when he didn't see an exit he called his (((friends))) in American agencies.
100% jew
Now he survives writing about how japs should mix race. Not a joke. Read the article.

I don't like reading subtitles. It's America. Speak my language. Do you see the Japanese paying money to make movies in Japan for me?
Either speak English, or have an Asian guy flay about making noises where his words mean nothing and don't subtitle it.
That, and texting, having to read the phone.
At this point, the movie is just going to be printed words on a screen, like an eye exam chart.

I hope the blonde bitch dies. I already forgot her name.

I wish The Time Traveler's Wife didn't get immediately canceled