I did not read the books nor did I play the video games

I did not read the books nor did I play the video games.
¿ could you tell me what things the show did wrong?

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Everything except those two.

>baby hands cavill as geralt
>good casting choice


The cute girl and the swordfights were good. Everything else...

Blackwashing Europeanesque settings.
Yep. Just like with Superman, poor Henry keeps getting to play roles he likes but some jackoffs are always fucking it up. Thanks SNEEDER.

sorceresses who were white are brown or black, classic netflix

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No, their dynamic doesn't work at all in the show compared to the books, and the actress is way too old for Ciri.

>when porn parodies/cosplayers do it better

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It's been a while since I've thought of this show but my impression
>poor casting aside from Geralt - yes, even Ciri is bad casting because the actress is extremely bland and now ruining herself with plastic surgery
>mediocre writing that does a pisspoor job of adapting the books, literally everything aside from Geralt is wrong and even he gets flanderized in the show
>very bland world that fails to present any diversity between the regions, in the show they're just an indistinguishable blur
>the cinematography is off somehow, feels like amateurs put on as many special effects as possible but it still feels like a more expensive Xena Warrior Princess
>racial politics inserted into the show often break the internal logic of the story - for example Geralt falls for Fringilla in the books because she physically reminds him of his supermodel tier gf Yennefer, but the show cast a really ugly plump black woman for Fringilla who looks nothing like Yennefer
I'll think of more, give me a minute.

Who cares the problem is the final product is a steaming pile of bullshit. If every character was a Jackson's LOTR Aryan it wouldn't change the fact that it's just a bunch of contemporary politics that has nothing to do with fantasy or monsters or anything like that.

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>It wasn't faithful
Then why call it Witcher?
Just like with that awful Halo show. It was another sci fi story with a Halo paint job.

>I did not read the books
Based. They're GRRM-tier trash.
>nor did I play the video games
You missed out there, user.

I love big black women so this is a win for me

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Well being shit for one is a starter.
An adaptation doesn't have to be 100% loyal to the source material(s), but there are basic things you still need to keep a show interesting. This shit failed at all of it.
The Kenobi of Fantasy.

>Annabeth has tanned skin and a slender, athletic body. She has long honey-blond hair set in perfect princess curls, like Cinderella.
Be Rick RIordan.
Bitch about the two movies for a lack of faithfulness.
You allegedly have control.
Cast young black girl as Annabeth.
What a fucking sack of shit.

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My fucking pale white goddess Yen got turned into a pajeet. She has nice booba though.

a few more:
>the pacing of first season is a mess that needlessly overcomplicates things by fucking with the timeline without any payoff for it
>magic is badly explained and doesn't follow its own half-assed rules
>no nuance, foltest is flanderized into a creepy and pathetic idiot, yennefer is whitewashed into oblivion, jaskier is pathetic with very little of his charm
>character motivations or thought processes are never delved into or properly conveyed
I don't know OP it's just very unimpressive. The only truly standout things are Cavill being Geralt and the evolving intros in season 1. That's about it, the rest ranges from just okay to insultingly bad, while taking a huge shit on the source material in several ways. It's a solid 5.5-6/10 show I suppose.

Series Geralt is more based in general, book Geralt is an autist and a legit cuck.

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I think it's pretty clear at this point that with the exception of the occasional roastie, Jew or other minority who are true believers (Lauren Hissrich, Kathleen Kennedy, Jordan Peele, etc.) most producers and directors are forced to diversity cast by certain... powerful groups behind the scenes. It's probably de facto mandatory in the industry now.

it was just hella mid

kek, did her face look that masculine in the game or is that an edit?

could be an edit, i played maybe 5 years ago and i don't remember that face being so mannish

Which is why I revert to my usual fanfiction and fanart enjoyment.
Careful about that talk though user.. wouldn't want to be called anti semitic.. or a conspiracy theorist.

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Fucking hell thanks for ruining Keira for me

It was passionless and stale, like the people who made it were just in it for the paycheck

>It's probably de facto mandatory in the industry now
It's de jure mandatory in the United Cuckdom.

She looks like a rat that got stuck in the rain. NOT MY CIRI

Watching the show is borderline impossible after playing the games.

The games are literal fanfiction but they do a good job of reflecting the sort of clothing/fauna/architecture that might be in a fantasy Poland (or the equivalent region) of that era, and its neighbours. Regions and areas are clearly marked and people look different depending on the region they hail from. Geralt's a bit too handsome because marketability, but that's the most glaring criticism.
The show's visual style is just generic fantasy with no visual identity, and racial inclusivity stuff is rancid as it makes you keenly aware you're not indulging in a realised fantasy world, you're looking at a college pamphlet selection of adults in costumes play pretend for money.

It's even worse if you've read the books the show is supposedly based on (which imo are not that good, but still better than the crap in the show).

jesus wtf is that

True but there's some level of disconnect between a book and a visual medium.
I have already played a 300 hour adventure absolutely steeped in love by actual polish artists and fantasy enthusiasts. The show doesn't even being to compare, it's so beyond fucking inferior by every possible metric it's mindboggling - everything in the live action that could be wrong, is wrong.
I'm watching an actual adaptation of canon books and my mind considers it a poor reflection of a fanfiction sequel. It's absurd.

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still better than netflix casting. well, pretty much all w3 char designs are better

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