Are we even the same species? Like srsly?

Are we even the same species? Like srsly?

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literally no

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So which one do you look like OP?

Not the nigger though


Go back

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If a male can successfully mate with a female and produce genetically viable offspring, then yes they are of the same species. Also blood transfusions and organ transplants.

>literally no
FPBP, /thread

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he was a communist, he didn't give a shit, in his view the african tribesman was a human while western bourgeois were exploitative capitalist pig dogs who need to be exterminated

>If a male can successfully mate with a female and produce genetically viable offspring, then yes they are of the same species.
No, you literal fucking retard. You are wildly incorrect.

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>If a male can successfully mate with a female and produce genetically viable offspring, then yes they are of the same species
so horses and donkeys are of the same species??? interesting my little tranny chud

Black anons, if you had the chance, would you trade your big penis genetic trait for silk good non-digusting hair genetics?

so can different bears, tigers, wolves and coyotes, horses and zebras, cows and bison, etc.
we are different sub-species

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why do we separate dogs by breed then?

based retard

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Factually and demonstrably false.

we are not the same species

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Horses and donkey hybrids are infertile aka "not genetically viable"
Also infertile, try again.

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Thats the answer you give grade schoolers. People unironically think this gradeschool logic is the end all be all.

Wid dogs and wolves are considered different species and yet can breed.

We have genetic evidence homo sapiens mated with neanderthals and produce viable offspring (litteraly within our dna).

Also scientifically we arent certain that we would be unable to breed with other apes like ourselves. It might litteraly be possible for a woman to be fucked and impregnated by a chimpanzee and have the baby be viable.

Ready to have your mind really fucked? Humans are the only species to have two versions of lice (since we have two very seperate patches of fur). All lice are genetically unique for ever mammal species with fur, including the lice that effects our heads. Except one. Ours. Our pubic lice aka crabs. Ready to learn which species we share these lice with (only recorded example in nature). Gorillas. We had sex with gorillas recently enough in our history that the lice aka crabs we shared has not genetically diverged. Even though our head lice has. Let that sink in. Fully human bald naked having sex with gorillas.

zebra and horse hybrids are fertile
polar bear grizzly bear hybrids are fertile
wolf and coyote hybrids are fertile
cow and bison hybrids are fertile
female tigons are fertile
there are probably too many to count
there are also higher incidents in spontaneous miscarriage in mix-race conceived babies


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You really pissed off the chuds with this one....

>be proven wrong
>samefag reply "chuds" to try and save face

we are literally monkeys deluding ourselves into thinking we're some higher species
we're simply an animal like any other

Post your chin, chudster

species are unironically a social construct

>we are literally monkeys deluding ourselves into thinking we're some higher species
>we're simply an animal like any other
we can build/create/destroy, user, we are superior

fondling kids does that

are beavers superior?

Imagine believing in out of Africa in 2022.

Of course not, compare how smart jews are compared to everybody else.