More like this please

These really amuse me. Classics and new content welcome.

Attached: cover2.jpg (1600x900, 421.36K)

Other urls found in this thread:

“Is it true professor? The story of the three brothers?”

>”Yes Harry Potter, and the Deathly Hallows Part, too”

>We must find The Hobbit, The Battle of the Five Armies will not cease until he is found

Attached: Gandalf.jpg (1039x435, 37.95K)

>doesn't even attempt to make any content
>posts a request outside of /wsr/
>expects Any Forums to literally be his servant
just wow

Thank you, that one is superb.

Attached: tangerines.png (518x307, 220.25K)

I'm gonna try. I feel like I might fail


>Rambo I-I-I didn't do it I swear!

Attached: Rambo III.jpg (739x415, 44.91K)

I will make Mr. Moss know that this is No Country For Old Men.

Attached: 1659556185196.jpg (960x636, 90.35K)

>"Professor Snape, what is making Professor Dumbledore shout?"

>"Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire"

We are refreshing the servers in the Machine City so we'll have the Matrix Reloaded.

After all this time this truly has been a Top Gun

"who could be strong enough to hold an entire oil rig?"
"Only a Man of Steel Ms. Lane"

Attached: manofsteel.png (1559x665, 1.27M)
>Any Forums claims family guy isn't funny

"I'm a virgin Pierre, I will only have missionary sex after marriage"
"Alex, you aren't a virgin though"
"Marcus, that doesn't count"
"Actually it does, Alex. Rape, is Irréversible

Attached: MV5BMTY3NTY1MjUyNl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwMjE5Mzc2._V1_.jpg (485x273, 26.08K)

>Damnit, Slater, I'd take your badge and gun if you weren't our Last Action Hero

Why did Sicario kill that family at the end of the movie

Attached: z18661176Q,-Sicario---rez--Denis-Villeneuve.jpg (620x413, 22.54K)

Are you the faggot that runs that Any Forums meme tiktok account that is nothing but screenshots of Any Forums threads?!

Fucking kill yourself

Dumb, since the title is spoken in the last monologue

"That would be quite amazing if you were friends with that black kid, Harry Potter the and Prisoner of Azkaban....which reminds me, I have to go suck a dick as I'm gay."

Attached: arrypott.png (740x385, 601.6K)

no problem
just rush hour

Someone got that LOTR one (i think) which ends with "please insert disc 2"

Nah I hate tiktok but genuinely enjoy these puns or whatever you call them


>Gentlemen, you are at a crossroads. Thus far, your collaboration has been infantile, immature, and borderline criminal. You've brought out the worst in each other with boorish behavior and enabling of vice. Yet we recall Aristotle in Nichomachean Ethics describing complete friendship as "the friendship of good people similar in virtue; for they wish goods in the same way to each other in so far as they are good, and they are good in themselves". Now you could continue this sorry, slovenly path and get dumb and dumber, or when Harry met Lloyd could be marked as the start of a rich and fulfilling journey towards virtue and happiness. The choice is yours

Attached: jacklewis.jpg (509x768, 55.51K)

>>That's the difference between you and me, Dunston. Check's in the mail and you believe anything. I gotta see the cash with my own eyes before I walk off the dock.

Attached: lafarge.jpg (800x548, 84.14K)

>admitting to using a Chinese spyware app for zoomers and tranny pastors
Yikes, sweety


>"but how did you recognize him after so long and suffering from benign episodic unilateral mydriasis?"

>"I guess you could say I have an Apt Pupil 1998"

Attached: Herrjones.png (1036x424, 486.37K)


>The world needs you, Superman, for the quest for peace cannot be won by men alone.

Attached: superman-superman-movies.jpg (640x428, 52.53K)

>What is this. some kind of Jurassic Park The Lost World?

>oh no Adam, you're that thing... the thing!

Attached: MV5BYzBhZmNmYzgtMmZkMC00ODYxLWJiYjctOGFkOTYwMWZhZDk4XkEyXkFqcGdeQWpvaG5oYXJ0._V1_.jpg (640x480, 179.55K)

>There are three names for this evil time when the old gods shall rise again. One, Samhain, Two, Halloween, Three, Season of the Witch.

Attached: conalcochran.jpg (1080x608, 41.41K)