Why pay for overpriced snacks and popcorn just to throw half of it on the fucking floor...

Why pay for overpriced snacks and popcorn just to throw half of it on the fucking floor? You know they reuse that popcorn right? So the theater gets the last laugh.


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They don't advertising recycle the popcorn. And also because tickets are $20 and cleaning up theaters is FUCKING EASY. I've BEEN floor staff at a movie theater. Since leaving that job I make sure 100% of my garbage is on the floor when I leave. And I usually bring fast food into theaters.

*they don't ACTUALLY recycle the popcorn. Yeah I'm a mobilefag

Why are gringos like this? I have never seen a theater look like this after a movie, not even when I was a kid watching Pokemon.

This is literally their job. Big surprise the black indivual would want extra money to do. His. Job.


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Personally I don't stop at just throwing the popcorn. I piss and cum all over the place too. I've taken a shit a couple times too.
Don't care if they reuse the popcorn because I also bring my own shit from home anyways.

mostly niggers do these activities. Whites generally pick up after themselves, i have never seen a nog do this basic civil duty.

Go figure.

>living anywhere near niggers

Americans are disgusting creatures. It is appalling how they literally throw their trash everywhere. Their cities are filthy. You have genuinely beautiful landscapes throughout your country and you choose to sully them with your wrappers, bags, beer bottles, etc.

based beyond belief

This is true, it applies to everything, like how at my gym it's almost always a nigger that leaves the plates or other equipment all over the place instead of putting it back where he got it from. Lazy, ignorant apes


I would kill the cameraman for not being able to stand still for one second to focus his lens.

I'm a job creator

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No one is hired to clean and do nothing else, you're as retarded as people claiming cart collectors wouldn't have a job if you weren't a lazy nigger.

they need a vacuum head attachment thats 2 feet wide.

>get hired to do job
>doesn't want to do job

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Cart collectors are 100% the only thing they do at grocery stores and walmarts and shit as that is what I did in HS and what my brothers do now and they have no other duties, no bringing shit out to peoples cars, no overnight stocking, just getting carts. Thats how its always been here.

What the fuck else are you doing at a theater besides reheating prepackaged food and pressing a button for tickets? You dont press the button on the computer in the projection room whatsoever thats a seperate guy. Your duties are primarily to keep the place looking nice and to take peoples money and youre delusional if you think otherwise.

>Cart collectors are 100% the only thing they do at grocery stores and walmarts
Wrong, retard

Americans are savages, the only difference between whites and niggers is how noise they are, but they behave in the same way. wgpn4

I worked at piggly wiggly, walmart and target over a 10 year span and i spent 6 years of it doing nothing but cart collections. You have never worked a day in your life.

>pushing a cart for 6 cents an hour
Neither have you

I remember seeing a post on reddit years ago where someone stated this and it actually received tons and tons of positive interactions of people agreeing. It was on a big sub too, like the basic one for all cinema.