Millennials actually thought the guy on the left looked cool and tried to emulate him

>Millennials actually thought the guy on the left looked cool and tried to emulate him.

Attached: CCFD4CE8-7C38-4589-925A-2901C653E05B.jpg (223x279, 21.48K)

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I took his style, but not his stupidity at choosing to own anything from Macintosh.

Did you even look at the picture you posted

He kind of looks like a fag and that was the Mac target audience so

>Microcucks don't know their left from their right

Hahaha, nah.

Although I do remember the commercial had the unintended effect of inspiring sympathy for the guy on the left. Like you're supposed to prefer the cooler, more genetically fortunate, new "stylish" geek, but I think a lot of people felt that the other guy's "faults" were, well, the kind of issues that were not his fault (physical awkwardness, social cluelessness, possible autism)

That said the guy on the right definitely sort of predicted the mainstreaming of a sort of post-indie cosmopolitan millennial 'geek' who has a high paying tech job and cute gf and default 'cool' tastes and liberal opinions

I was internally thinking of the guy on the right because I know what OP meant
Good job exposing yourself in not being about to comprehend even the most basic level of interpretation macuck
pretty transphobic

The YTMND version was GOAT.

>I can do stuff like that too!
>Oh yeah, like what?

You used 3 ands in the last sentence. Go to hell and die.

I mean that crossed my mind, but one is so accustomed to glibness / ignorance as shitposting strategy here / everywhere that I figured he probably didn't mean it that way


Seeing the PC guy there, yeah I just feel sympathetic for him. Especially since his physical flaws are meant as illustrative of his overall existential inferiority and subconsciously and on experiencing him and looking in his face as he's talking I remember this is a person and I don't like thinking of people as lesser than others. It's ugly

Suit vs. Hoodie
Earnest vs. Smug
Realness vs. Facade

Yeah that's a bad habit I have when it gets late and I'm tired or distracted. Living in California and being an ex heavy drug user that kind of rambling speech pattern comes back as like my default and I actually start to write in that way. It's just thinking or writing in autopilot I guess, although part of it is that I'm usually half occupied with something else so my mental bandwidth is being taxed hence going into lazy dudespeak autopilot mode

Even if you didn’t sympathize with the guy as downtrodden, a lot of people just saw an annoying jackass who seriously demands this office worker change his work computer.

>windows didn't have a modern terminal on it until 2015, and it's just an emulated ubuntu terminal

Steve Jobs was much cooler than Bill Gates, regardless of products

Attached: SteveJobsIpodReveal.png (1170x808, 672.83K)

so sad that he died of ligma

Personally I prefer Stallman. Should've added him to the commercials.

I'm always fairly impressed by the women Justin Long dated:

Amanda Seyried
Drew Barrymore
Lauren Mayberry
Kirsten Dunst
Maggie Q
Olga Kurylenko

This is a below-Reddit level joke

What's funny about this ad is the roles should be reversed now

ligma balls

He had an aesthetic.

Attached: SteveJobs.jpg (1200x800, 53.93K)

I liked the podcast that on the right was in, but then he got hyper-woke around the BLM stuff and it just wasn't worth it anymore.