At this point I'm wondering if this is some kind of elaborate troll by Nick on Adam...

At this point I'm wondering if this is some kind of elaborate troll by Nick on Adam. I don't see how it becomes anything but a total dumpster fire

Jannies begone, this is being visually broadcast as of this week so it counts as telly

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Adam friedland needs to go on blacked

havent listened in years, did they finally get sick of each other and break up the podcast despite the money?

stav thinks he can make it in the mainstream

The piglet finally left and they're using his share of the Patreon money to invest in an actual studio and are actually putting some effort into the show again. It's the best it's been in years basically.

It’s hiding behind the irony shield to cope with the fat loser of the podcast becoming mildly successful by actually putting in effort on something. Dunno about Adam, but Nick is an irony brained retard that can’t help but self sabotage himself.

The new show sucks, and I’m not sure why. Stav being gone should be a boon, but instead of just moving on they’re trying to do some tongue-in-cheek late nite show and it’s not working at all.

It's a "troll" in the sense that it's Nick desperately trying to hide his fear that the Patreon will plummet after Stav leaving. You spend six years doing a show with the bullshit mindset of, "Look at how cool I am, I don't give a shit about putting effort in. Doesn't that make me rebellious and not just 5'6?" Look at him now. Wearing that gay hat and sunglasses, ironically calling himself a "producer." It's clear he's freaked out about one day having to work a real job again, but in Nick's 16-year-old girl mind it's not cool to be worried about your life, so he has to douse it in irony.

It's hilarious listening to old episodes of CT and hearing Nick talk about how important stand up and comedy is to him. I bet it crushes him that nowadays even Adam is more of an actual comedian than he is.

>Patreon will plummet after Stav leaving.
it's gone up since he left

How much do you pay a month?

Someone screen cap this please

Too long on muh lunch break

>Never liked Cumtown
>Give TAFS a go
>It's hilarious

Glad that fat cunt is gone, no more songs about little dicks and blowjobs

so much projection about your deep seeded insecurities

It sucks because they prepare the jokes on air instead of beforehand, so half the content is Adam stumbling through a joke he's never seen before and Nick correcting him.

I also think we're assuming it's going to be a snarky ironic version of Ellen but something tells me they either don't see it that way or won't go snarky enough and it will just be a shitty Colbert. Which is a shame because full irony, like Ellen with cumtown-tier dumb/racist jokes would be genuinely funny

Then they have a guest on and it's back to cumtown formula

Stav definitely wants the Bert Kreischer dough so had to dip.

The concept for TAFS is simple. It takes the Tim Dillon format of the host putting his foot up the ass of the producer and flips it on its head. Adam should be greatful to his producer for giving him a job.

Someone posted a graph from patreon of their subscribers/earnings and it rockets in late 2020, right around the time they started trying to make it bad.

They were literally getting rewarded for shitting all over their audience, it's understandable they'd just keep doing that

The Tim Dillon show sucks though. Tim is a great guest on a podcast but if it's just him ranting to some guys chuckling off-mic it doesn't work.

I would genuinely listen to Tim and Nick do an Epstein podcast though

Tim Dillon show is objectively good.

this video made me realise how painfully unfunny adam is. stav is much funnier although much more annoying.

Matt & Shane > Cumtown before 2020 > War Mode > TAFS > Cumtown after pandemic begins

It’s honestly just a clever transition into a two person show

at this point, nick has enough contacts and popularity in the comedy circuit to never work a regular job again even if the patreon fails which it won't considering how loyal his fanbase is. you're jealous and delusional

I mean he LITERALLY wrote a blog about him realizing that if cumtown ends he likely will never be able to get a job, not even a normal one after the Bodega Bro incident. So yes, he's scared of losing his only source of income because it will likely mean that he's fucked forever.

>Matt & Shane

>sassy gay dude spouts platitudes for an hour...

the new show hasn't started you fucking idiots. They just got the studio and have 1 TEST episode done in it. They haven't actually started the new thing yet.
I'm sure it'll take a bit of time to get going but complaining that the new show sucks after a literal test video ep that lasted 10 minutes before the camera shut off isn't actually saying anything. At least save your bitching about it sucking when we've gotten the first real episode

TAFS test episodes > cumtown the past 6 months

>after the Bodega Bro incident

Some normie chad-looking guy moved to new york and did a tiktok complaining that there was nowhere to buy groceries or fresh food, just shitty bodegas everywhere

Some bugman got him cancelled and he was fired for his job for it. Wasn't racist or anything, just was just saying
>bro these little stores suck
>where's the Whole Foods

So you can imagine that mullen, who has made a career through finding inventive ways to say slurs. might not fare too well in the job market

Fuck off retard

Nick you should be writing jokes instead of seething on this website

deep seated*

Hell yeah jude-N! (I'm jewish and retarded)

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Its definitely the cum town finale. Theyre all acting like theyre turning the show into some lame talk show and they have some grand plan how its going to hilariously backfire and end the podcast somehow.

war mode is shit, they dont have the chops. I gave up after 3 eps