smartest man in the universe

> smartest man in the universe

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>smartest retard in the universe

he's the smartest man alive, user

Shuri is smarter though according to the MCU

I have never seen an anime trope so blatantly used in cinema ever

i think this universe may have been so peacefull they just had no idea of the powerscale


jobbers, it's what they call characters who always lose fights unless they're low level henchman

it's a long used trope in anime to show a character's power level by giving other established character the "job" to lose. it's even worse in this movie since they have to exposition the power level of the illuminati then did a stupid fight scene.

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Reed historically can be a dumbass though, and he fucks up a more often when it comes to magic.

he was a joke, all the time he appeared everyone was having a laugh at him.
this mean that is more than likely they are going to introduce Moon Girl into the MCU.

>from anime


>smartest man in the universe
>dark hair
>dark eyes
I mean there’s a point where suspension of disbelief just doesn’t work anymore

which episode of the office is this

Reminder that john was never on set and filmed all his scenes on his own. Raimi used a body double and john's head was pasted on the body. You can look up all behind the scenes footage. John literally never met any of the cast.

>pic unrelated
Where's my nigga Hank

they do that all the time, and it's pretty noticable desu. i think robert rodrieguez had it down pretty good for sin city but it looks pretty awkward in superhero flicks

It's from carnival wrestling, WWE style "sports entertainment", not anime.

>smartest man
>just reaches toward the strongest witch in the universe as his plan of attack


being smart doesnt suddenly make you blonde and blue eyed