Is it possible to get to this level from being a fat fuck?

Is it possible to get to this level from being a fat fuck?
t. just got a gym membership

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Yes, very, but not for you since you don't have the discipline to not be a fat fuck.

They all fuck in the ass.

Yeah, roiding.

Then it wouldn’t be possible you retard

Hey buddy I think you got the wrong door, the leather club is too blocks down.

if you suddenly become a completely different person mentally then yeah sure, just roid and be completely perfect with your diets and workout for years. you should just aim to stop being a fat fuck and then become fitter and leaner, that'll be a big enough challenge for the time being. good luck though user, i genuinely wish you the best.

Attached: Arnold the best of all time.jpg (517x650, 62.46K)

It would be if you weren't a fat fuck before but you were in a coma and the nurses fed you 3000 calories a day

It’s good to have overall goals like this in mind but you need to break down the individual steps you have to take to get there

Just quit my gym membership because I hurt my leg muscles from falling weird and haven't been able run for 3 months

Your better off intermittently fasting doing cardio core cycling upper body and legs
Used to just train weights and it's shit I found lighter weights higher reps
Yep it's actually easier to pack on muscle and lose fat until you get skinny fat then it's pretty hard you hit a wall

T. 31yo incel that goes from fat to thin and back every couple of months

depends how old you are, but you can absolutely make significant enough gains to mog 99% of men if you put in consistent effort. But that means consistent effort. Fitness means doing it almost every day. I went from fat to jacked myself over the course of a few years

you are objectively doing something wrong. I don't know what it is, but you're doing something wrong. Fitness is the ultimate test of a person's ability to test their beliefs and feelings against reality. Not everyone can be a powerlifter but pretty much anyone can be fit.

No, you will never look like this. Even with all the steroids in the world you couldn't get arnold's genetics. However, that shouldnt stop you from lifting as you can still make great progress and get an amazing physique.

Arnold is a great goal, don't get me wrong, but if you're like 300 pounds, getting down to 230 and lifting will make you a lot happier. I recommend fasting personally, as it both resets the palette and cuts weight quickly which is what fat people with low discipline need. It's difficult for a fat fuck to eat right and not get that binge motor running, especially when he's hitting the scale and losing something retarded like 3-4 pounds every week and a half.

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Only via roids. And even then it's a pain in the ass to get to this level and it has diminishing returns. Just get in normal healthy shape fatanon, I believe in thee.

you have ZERO willpower to better your own physical vessel, any man should rightfully considers you lower than themselves

>that 25 year old DYEL at the gym who thinks he's going to look like arnie lifting a starting strength routine natty

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imagine the body on the person that made that meme

I’m going for 230 myself (starting at 280), cutting down what I eat and going to the gym after work.
How long would this realistically take to achieve if I kept it up every day after work?

>imagine the body on the person that made that meme

Attached: 1642218137538.gif (720x720, 50.65K)

>pack on muscle and lose fat until you get skinny fat

I'm a scrawny fuck and no matter how hard I try I can't get a decent bicep bulge. Arnold has peak genetics, while some of us are just untermenschen.

well, and roids