Recommend me a good french movie

Preferably action, hot girls and lack of "new french people" in it

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Le Cercle Rouge


>french "cinema"
They're all retarded cuckshit with plots like "anne-marie wants to fuck 2 guys but also marry a third one and her current boyfriend wants to watch"

for me it's Le clan des Siciliens

La Hame

The man from Rio


Mes jours de gloire

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High Tension

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The Professional (not Leon)

no such thing

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Les Maitresses 1978

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not really an action movie but still pretty good
also Taxi

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District B13

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Braquo was a cool series

The French has no hypocritical puritan hangups about sex. Maybe you christcucks should learn from them. Either be a true Puritan and live like an Amish or discard it and enjoy your life.

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I watched this in film class and it always stuck with me

Oops forgot image


City of Lost Children

aka the real Shovel Knight

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