It's about time someone took shots at this guy

It's about time someone took shots at this guy

Attached: 2022-08-02 18_30_06-Andor Is Star Wars’ ‘Scurrilous Take On The Trumpian World,’ Says Fiona Shaw – E.jpg (652x594, 59.59K)

>Trumpian World
What Trumpian World? Leftists control the government and media. What reality do they live in?

Seriously, I hate these mentally ill freaks so fucking much.

Orange man really did a number on these guys. Hopefully one day they find peace and closure

please be fake. Lucas already took down trimp-like politicians with sheev. Remember the vote of no confidence? That was trump.

Liberals control those things and they mostly agree with Trump. They just don't like him being a fat retard.

why's trumo still living rent free in their heads? daddy issues?

They believe they're heroes and they need a villain.

Isn't that what you're doing, right now, with them?

oh look, another shill thread

Biden is so boring and half-dead they probably forgot he's the president.


Kill yourself, kike.

Getting mad just proves that they're right. You're no different than a lib wearing a pussy hat.



I know you think you're intelligent for pretending to be above it all, but you can't be a fence-sitting faggot forever.

If you mean progressive globalist corporatists, then yes

Hollywood writing at its finest

Understanding that libs and conservatives like you are two sides of the same coin doesn't mean that I'm fence sitting.

Anyone who supports capitalism is a globalist, whether they know it or not. Another example of liberals and conservatives being two sides of the same coin.

I'm exhausted.

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>What Trumpian World? Leftists control the government and media. What reality do they live in?
Wait you're telling me leftists project and lie?

That would be nice.
And yet
Kinda hoping he runs again & wins in 2024. I know we'd get years of BLM riots and zero actual improvements.
Butbit would just make them so mad, and they deserve it.

in 2020 Trump lost, Biden won and we all lost. I hope Trump does get elected in 2024 just to give them everything they worried about in 2016 in spades.

The only reason they are still running the le Drumpf propaganda is because libs in general are so awful and have such awful leadership and PR that Trump coming back to win in 2024 is not even just a possibility, at this point it's fairly probable.

>Anyone who supports capitalism is a globalist

Do you ever tire of the euphemism threadmill?
What will be next year? The reverse progressive postmodern elites?
Just call them what they are.

>Just call them what they are

>I dont care what happens to the country, I just want to make the other side seethe/cope/dilate
you are what's wrong with society

>Anyone who supports capitalism is a globalist,
As opposed to what? Communism and Socialism are both explicitly globalist and anti-nationalist. Anarchism has no concept of nations or borders either.

Who the fuck cares about Trump anymore? You are waaaaay too late to the party, sunshine.

>Anyone who supports capitalism is a globalist,

If you think politicians matter you are a retard btw.

I said something about politicians?

Oh, now I’ll definitely watch this timely and relevant show.

He probably voted for the most popular president in US history

trumpian world fucking hell lol

well most of them are going to jail or under investigation, others are hiding in their safe spaces online, Any Forums is not a maga safe space, Any Forums is anti-chud

He's not wrong user, in the sense that globalist capitalism is very much a Jewish endeavor. In the old days you could have self-contained nation state capitalism, but the fundamental ideology and culture of a given nation state was usually protected by a higher power than monetary gain; in the middle ages, when Jews ripped off goyim and stole all their riches, the King would come in and burn 100 of them alive before exiling them, because the King's word came final and as a figure with divine power who's ultimate responsibility was to the good of their kingdom this worked. Now, all elites are cosmopolitan; they have no loyalty, no nation, no higher cause or ties, so they are empty vessels.

They're living in terror at the idea of him winning again in 2024, it's pretty funny.