How would Star Wars be different if Jabba stayed human?

How would Star Wars be different if Jabba stayed human?

Attached: jabba-set.jpg (448x245, 39.55K)

Other urls found in this thread: Episode 07 The Han Solo Solution.mp3

Speculations on how Slave Leia's time was spent in his stronghold would be slightly less disgusting.

Pretty much this.

Good lord. Lucas really didn't know what he was doing, did he? Thank god there were talented people there to save this mess.

>Good lord. Lucas really didn't know what he was doing, did he?
That's the thing about Star Wars. It was a happy accident made by a guy that was just throwing shit against a wall and nailed the best soundtrack composer of all time. Every attempt to replicate it, by Lucas and by others, has failed because there's no real substance or direction to any of it. It was a just good-fortuned combo of cool ships, basic fantasy archetypes, good music, and amazing (for the time) effects. Any other high budget sci-fi-ish film with those things that beat him to the punch would have taken the place. It was just the first, not the best.

Did he talk like worm Jabba?

bruh, lucas and star wars were basically the culmination of the new hollywood movement. lucas is the definition of being in the right place, at the right time, by pure luck.

Lucas has never tried to replicate the original trilogy.

Is it less disgusting? A giant slug and a human is comical and absurd, a human and human just reminds you of real life

It would be universally agreed he banged Leia.

He kinda tried with Willow.

What I meant was trying to replicate the Star Wars magic, both in the prequels and in other things. It never quite works. There are hints and moments but they never come together. He got lucky, all there is to it. The music and the effects, compared to the low effort, low budget sci-fi and fantasy movies being made at the time, are what elevated his stuff.

It sounds to me like you're just describing any attempt by Lucas to make a good, conventional movie as an attempt to replicate Star Wars.
It's like saying Da Vinci was trying to replicate the Mona Lisa when he painted more after, even though he had no intention of replicating the Mona Lisa and nothing that came after had anything to do with it.
"The Star Wars magic" is just being a good film. You can say Lucas has failed to make a good film after the OT, but that's not the same as what you're saying now.

That's not jabba you ignoramus.
You dolt.
You dummy.

It's like you haven't even read the original script or listened to the Radio Drama.

OP confirmed for gay and retarded.

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>made by a guy that was just throwing shit against a wall
Bro it’s called being creative. Meanwhile Hollywood movies are just “let’s make a sequel/reboot from this film in the 80’s”

how about he was trying to make a successful movie, but had no idea why star wars was successful? all of his other films have been little more than curiosities.

That could be true.

>OP flaunts his ignorance by thinking that was Jabba, when it was actually Jabba's henchman Heater.

What a fake nerd! Episode 07 The Han Solo Solution.mp3

>basing any opinions from that incomplete wiki article
Doesn't even list their sexuality, and what is the basis of gendering them as Male? It was never revealed officially.

Radio dramas are canon, unlike Disney schlock.

fuck off Mike

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