Think of it. To never again walk on a summer's day with the hot wind in your face and a warm hand to hold. Oh yes...

>Think of it. To never again walk on a summer's day with the hot wind in your face and a warm hand to hold. Oh yes, I'd kill for that.

Attached: 13244.jpg (640x480, 42.67K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>I'd trade a thousand of my frozen tendies for your worst date.

>gets defeated by chicken soup and a pun

Bat chicken soup

Attached: Nora.webm (640x480, 1.95M)

Attached: Mr. Freeze batmobile.webm (720x576, 2.93M)

That's sounds pretty cool.

Attached: Mister freeze.jpg (474x337, 27.16K)

Attached: Mr. Freeze.webm (720x576, 1.96M)

Attached: Mr. Freeze02.webm (640x480, 1.18M)

reminder that in the BTAS universe she actually is cured and awakens but leaves victor

Well the tie-in comics do retcon that, those comics are great and tie up a lot of loose ends the show left hanging. Turns out her new husband lied to her about Freeze being dead and Batman ends up making things worse for her and Freeze

Bruce Timm hated this

>The one story point that always kind of sticks in my craw is that they brought Mr. Freeze's wife back to life. That's something that I never would have done, because in my head, she was dead. She wasn't just like, preserved and on ice... she was dead! So to me bringing her back to life, even though they did it for poignant kind of made sense in the story they were telling, but it was -- well, that's kind of like Mr. Freeze's whole thing, is that his wife is dead. He froze emotionally because of it and everything. Well, now, if she's back to life, it's like "Well, now what is he?" So that was weird.

he's right

Turning him into a robot spider incel definitely wasn't the best call. But he's right, Nora was his whole character at that point.
Thank god Beyond salvaged his arc at the end

Sooo... we can't finish his character arc?

Hot wind.

Not in a way that ruins the character. Bruce Wayne's parents coming back from the dead would "finish his character arc" too but it would ruin the character.

haven't seen all of the Batman episodes but it would be sad if his wife was revived and didn't actually give a shit about him or if being dead and resurrected destroyed her ability to love
I could see a movie making her a random person he obsessed over too

She is revived and just leaves him. It's really shitty and it's just a bad way to write her out to deal with the fact that she was revived in Freeze's last appearance

But it's not bruce, it's victor fries. Goals and motivation aren't exactly equal, seeing as batman's motivation is not his goal. His goal is to cure his wife, going to any lenght to do so. His wife isn't dead, and is that hope that's driven him to do anything for her, without caring for the consequences.
If you're going to retire the character, wether his motivations to do crime is over is not as important as the final events for the character, wether consequences catch up to him, and wether his goald was fullfilled.
What you're telling me is that Batman can't retire after finally putting an end to crime in gotham because that would "ruin the character".

>but it would be sad if his wife was revived and didn't actually give a shit about him

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A halfway competent writer would just use that as an opportunity to showcase Batman's paranoia or unwillingness to bother with it.
>parents come back to life
>make a big show of welcoming them back as Bruce
>tricks Alfred into thinking he's walking away from the whole Batman thing
>entire time he's just gathering evidence to figure out who sent them
>climax of the story is Bruce Wayne "dying" to either be Batman full-time in case the parents are real or to throw off the trail of whoever created and sent these clones

N-no you

most realistic event depicted in a superhero comic cartoon

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He stayed violent in Batman beyond even after she was cured and it was kino


What television or film?