How would you make the RE movies better?

How would you make the RE movies better?
>The first two are the only good ones

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make the first two movies more like the rest of the movies

End it after the first two. Get a better editor for the last one and have all the heroes from 5 actually do stuff instead of dying off-screen and Wesker change sides again.

More Jill

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Come to think of it, I'd just end it after the first one. I'm gonna go rewatch that kino right now.

I would make them as close to the video games as I could, same goes for casting actors that resemble the source material.

why the fuck does it have two triggers, that is retarded

Basically remake the RE1 remake, lots of long shots of going down hallways with ambiance and shadows. Boring? Don't care.

fpbp. 1 and 2 are hot garbage. The rest is top-tier kino. I wish the last one had better editing, though.

>gunlet calling anything retarded
It's for the grenade launcher.

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>1 and 2 are hot garbage. The rest is top-tier kino.
This is your brain on Any Forums. Go back to your board, midwit. Let the adults discuss film.

Multi season show each following a different group of survivors trying to survive and escape Racoon City during the events of Resident Evil 2 and 3. Something like what they did with the outbreak games.

Imagine getting filtered by PWSA kino lmao

Give them a slightly bigger budget.
Let Anderson sign the actors on multi-film contracts like he wanted to so movies don't have to be rewritten around which actors are available.
Use the main film series as a springboard for cheaper spinoff films about side characters. Create a Resident Evil cinematic universe, basically.

Were HK paying to promote their G36 as a futuristic gun in every action movie around the year 2000?

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If Resident Evil The Final Chapter hadn't been delayed a year, had its budget cut, and Sony hadn't been on their usual bullshit it would have been the sequel people were expecting. The Final Chapter is a cathedral of compromises. Did you know that originally Alice was meant to fly to Nevada to meet with the White Queen, who had finished working on the cure using Alice's blood? The planned plot made infinitely more sense than the one we got.

Give Anderson 25 million dollars and let him spend that 25 million dollars on director's cuts of all six movies. Brush up the VFX, adjust Final Chapter as much as you can afford, use some voiceover to fix plot inconsistencies, and generally massage the films into a more consistent six film saga.

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I wouldn't. I'd rip the parts of Resident Evil I liked off and make something new.

Not being complete shit =/= good

Paulcuck has weak genes.

More racial diversity

>The first two are the only good ones

I see what you did there.

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Get a sexy Arab/Black bitch to play Sheva in one of them

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Extinction wasn't bad.

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