/bcs/ - Better Call Saul General

Kino Edition


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Apologise to Chuck. It all went downhill when he left.

Slipping is Jimmy's cancer

I'm the TOPMOST RANKING mike poster on the entire board.


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Conjugate much?

>mike's final line in the entire series is "SOLID"

Yeah? Why?

I clapped

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what was his first line

Funny cat videos

saul goodman sent me

11 > 10 > 9

it's just getting better /bcs/isters

the tape on the bullet holes is on the outside of the door in BrBa but inside in BCS

What is the implication of bill oakley becoming a defense attorney

Is this confirmation he has cancer?

Jeff is like staring into my future.

Did he do this on purpose or is this just reaching?

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Why is his name Saul Goodman when all is not good, man?

he's gay

he finally starts earning good money instead of being the law version of a wagie

It's all good man send me.

>10 > 9

Why wouldn't you tape both sides of the bullet hole user. Shit could live inside the car door otherwise

definitely intentional.

>better call S'all Good, man sent me

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Not your call.

walt probably taped both sides so he didn't have to think about them, not just so it wasn't obvious to the outside world

I keep hearing this, is this true? Was that flashback a wrap?

BrBa's third from last ep was Ozymandias. It's definitely a reference.

Just that he filled Saul's vacancy
Saul's legacy and empire is completely in tatters(le le just like le Walt from le breaking bad!)

>all these autistic theories about the Kim call
I can't believe people are this dumb

why does he look younger here than he did in saul's office???

Just reaching.

Next episode will be the Ozymandias of BCS screencap this

well clearly the inside wasn't taped when hank pulled the tapes off to let the light shine in. it's chronologically explainable with the inside tapes coming off for some reason between S2 and 3 though.

saul gone sent me


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You're asking for information you can't have.

yep, bcs is the most kino tv show

>implying she didn't die in the Wayfarer 515 crash wreckage

However this shot thats on the BB wiki shows it taped on the inside.

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he took Saul's advice and started using a chi machine

I lol'd at Mike's shitty half-assed anecdote about buying a betamax player. Like he's run out of good allegorical stories from his life to impart wisdom with and he's just totally scraping the bottom of the barrel.

fair indeed...

It's more like, they didn't consider Walt anyone dangerous or significant yet, just a retard

Hey, it's a reference to that other thing I like!
Thus my reptilian brain tells me to also like this thing!
Bravo, Vince!

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Not my call.

>The parallel of him walking into the guy's house and him walking into Walt's school is supposed to how that he's about to make a decision that will make his life go up in flames.
-both are cancer patients
-Jimmy was warned in both situations NOT to engage but took the risk anyway

I'm not saying it's good, I'm predicting that we are about to see some cringeworthy writing and twists. Hoping I'm wrong

>last episode had Saul begging Francesca to stay on the line a bit longer
>Granite State had Walt begging Ed to stay a little bit longer

The betamax comment was fucking solid.
I literally bravo vinced IRL

Bros I don't think I can watch things in color anymore. Everything should be grayscale, it's pure KINO.

How did they manage to fuck up this badly?

more bravo points. this is not new for these writers.

>El Camino 2: Wrath of Gus
>El Camino 3: The Search For Jesse
>Breaking Bad The New Generation
>Breaking Bad: Deep Game 9
>Breaking Bad: Heisenberg (a la Picard)


Can't wait for my favourite characters to appear it'll be just like the Breaking Bad days

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Bryan went right back into Walt. It was so fucking cool. After all these years, he captured Season 2 Walt perfectly. I found myself laughing at his facial expressions just as I did in my first watch of BB 11 years ago. Aaron was awesome, too, but it was such a treat to see Bryan be Walt again.

Great episode. I was on the edge of my seat. Bob was right— I saw a different side of Jimmy tonight.

Curious to see everyone’s thoughts on the parallel the show was drawing between Saul going to Walt’s school and breaking into the new cancer man’s house!

>All these bravo Vince
>Gould has been showrunner since season 3
>Vince has done fuck all

I don't trust anyone who uses this weird fucking elongated hyphen

Anyone else feel like it was out of character for that guy not to rob the cancer dude?
Every other moment he's gone along with it. Along with drugging anybody and everybody he didn't know.
You're already trespassing. You're already inside the house.
And you bitch out having removed the tape cause your daddy had cancer and you felt bad your actions have consequences?
He was literally shown to be Solid at the beginning when Jimmy was berating Taxidriver.

I will be shocked if we don't get one last Chuck flashback before the end.

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I did some google stuff, and apparently it was always taped on both sides in the early seasons. Some mandela effect shit going on right here.

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“Remember Bill Oakley, he switched teams.”

“he came out?”

LMAO lowkey one of the funniest lines in the show. Also I’m really glad Huell isn’t still sitting in that safe house.

It's called an em dash.

I’m already there except my life is much, much worse than his. Be grateful if that’s what you’re looking at.

>Vince writes the good seasons
>Gould writes the cartelshit seasons
Hmmmm........ It's like Gould's best season was just paying off the stuff that Vince setup with the first two. Then Vince had to come back for season 6 to fix the show and his legacy.
Bravo Vince!

next episode is written and directed by vince
and you will bravo

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there's still two episodes left user

It's too slow and was kinda boring.

Literally nothing happened

Completely meaningless flashback scenes that gave no further information
Omg I wonder what they talked about after they got back into the RV!!!@
Omg I wonder how Saul found out who Walter is!!!!

filler episode

He will represent James Saul in his upcoming tax evasion trial

>they made Aaron Paul wear a beanie to hide the hairline
He looks like a different person

They taped it inside after Hank pulled the tape off outside

More likely the opposite. Vince was probably pushing for a Walt cameo in season 1

>we didnt get to see giga head walt
why did vince deprive us??


Bros what did Kim say to make Saul become an incel? Is he going to shoot up a school in the finale?

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>Granite State was directed and written by Gould, Felina was directed and written by Vince
>Waterworks was directed and written by Vince, Saul Gone was directed and written by Gould

>Gene breaks into the house
>he finds the guy knocked out from barbiturates
>he begins to puke
>but hes on his back
>he begins to asphyxiate
>what will Gene do? Will he do nothing like Walt?
>Gene helps him
>he wakes him up
>but the guy ends up calling the cops on him
>Gene is then taken into custody
>he is given one phone call
>he calls Kim for help

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Damn is this the highschool Pinkman spin-off?

Gene going into the house of the guy with cancer will lead to the end of Gene.

Saul going into the school to visit the guy with cancer led to the end of Saul.

atleast it was a lil bit better than NIPPY

that's just the appetizer for the kino ep that will succeed it

They literally made Walt stay in the ski mask the whole episode so they wouldn't have another Megamind fiasco on their hands kek.

I actually had a double take because I didn't recognize him at first. I thought maybe it was Badger

Saul really took a trick right out of Nathan Fielder's book

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get a job

here's the kid I was telling you about

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>More likely the opposite
How could it be? Vince was literally only there for 1, 2, and 6. Vince was the one saying that the writers didn't have to mine every line of Breaking Bad for characters and scenes, but the writers did anyways.
No wonder he had to come back.


Goddamn, this episode had everything. Francesca still not taking any shit, a reference to Jackie Chan Adventures, something bad happening in that call to Kim causing Jimmy Gene to go full scumbag again, that classic Jesse and Walt banter, Carol Burnett learning about funny cat videos, that cut of Saul trying to blame Ignacio, Mike being the smartest person on the show, and of course...

Press F to Pay Respects to Lazer Tag

I really thought for just one second Saul was going to actually finish the last drink he had with the Cancer guy instead of just sucking it up.

ACTUALLY the first 5 minutes where Francesca told us that Huell was fine, that was NOT filler so I expect you to APOLOGISE RIGHT NOW by typing "bravo vince" and saying it out loud wherever you are.

How do you even make that quickly without copypasting/entering the unicode/using Word and then copypasting the post?

not letting us hear this conversation is unforgivable and so contrived. what reason is there to keep this from the viewer other than a ham-fisted attempt to manufacture a little bit of extra mystery before the show ends? it's the fucking penultimate episode for christ sake. pointless and frustrating. this is as bad as sitting through a billion seasons of GoT only for the conversation about jon snow being a targaryen being done off screen.

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>I have a daughter, Jimmy.

11 < 10 = 9 tbqh

Captcha GYOTTO

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I was thinking the same thing

>I fucked Ted

this episode was literally "I wonder where did Han Solo got his blaster from"

I find it interesting that all seasons of BCS have been ten episodes and that Nippy (S6E10) very well could have been the final episode. All major plotlines (with the minor exception of what happened to Kim) have been closed and Gene had a complete arc where he closed off the Jeff situation and left Slippin' Jimmy and Saul behind.

But Gene doesn't recognize the rules of the show. He doesn't know he should be done. He keeps playing the tape even though there's no more footage for the intro. He calls back to Albuquerque right as we start, where we learn there's literally nothing left for him. There was no reason for him to call. It only upset him as he became aware of all the money he didn't need but lost. And the one dangling thread that could have been left untugged (Kim) leaves him unsatisfied when he tugs it out of a sheer lack of anything to do. And now he's in this limbo after his show should have ended where he's doing things he doesn't have to and making the same mistake he did all those years ago by diving headlong into something he wasn't prepared for.

I can't help but wonder if there's some sort of meta commentary there too with the Walt/Jesse cameos. The show functions perfectly well without them, but we demand them anyway, wanting to drag "color" into this black and white story. Like Gene, we're not satisfied with episode 10. So episode 11 immediately gives us what we've been asking for, but with a cost.

Edit: Talking with my friends and coming up with more evidence to support this reading. Definitely making a full post once the sub unlocks. But when Gene makes the call to Francesca, my friend remarked that it felt like a fan calling the showrunners and asking for them to tie up arbitrary loose ends (like what happened to all these characters that ultimately weren't that important). Francesca looks kind of confused because there's no real reason why he should care. The story's over.

S'all bad, man.

Woah, we don't do business with minors.

They're saving the first post-bb appearance of kim for when it's in-person and has more impact.

The Kim stuff is happening in one of the last 2 episodes, and it's going to be a big part of the finale.
They're waiting to address it until it's the focus of the episode.
You didn't need to hear those lines yet

>when the writers and directors have a great idea for a scene
>but aren't good enough to actually write the scene
That's why.

>i fucked Hank


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get a job
for real now, it cant be healthy copy pasting reddit posts on cooldown

I almost feel bad for doubting Vince last week now, that was legit kino


are you retarded? it gets destroyed in the same episode Hank takes it off

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I don't get it. Are they aware of the memes?

She doesn't want to see him/talk to him unless he turns himself in. Saul doesn't want to do that, gets mad, says fuck this bitch I'm going Goodman mode again I don't need her, but now he's old and angry and sloppy and he's going to get caught.

They'll meet or talk on the phone before he goes to prison and he'll say the deep down he wanted to get caught.

i can't. i am an insufferable freak.

If only he’d had a more moving allegorical tale to share from his life, the entire course of Breaking Bad could’ve been prevented…

COPE Nippy is for patricians

>Gene gets Kim killed out of spite
I'd bravo

>penultimate episode
no that's the next one

>Kim after one session with the Huell Fuel

Kim is not a lawyer anymore will you idiots stop. She is not going to help him.

true kino, just like quasimoto predicted

So instead of using all these episodes to wrap up the story or stories that we already had gracefully and setting up more Saul-stuff on the way, they just bumrush to a timeskip, kill the characters they can't be assed to wrap up otherwise and then use all the remaining episodes to start an entirely new story of the rise and fall of a criminal enterprise.


>I fucked Finger.

What was even the point of him not drinking the booze? His only job in these cons is to booze up his targets so they go home in a taxi with Jeff, then Jeff's friend does the rest of the work. Whether he goes home plastered that night or not doesn't matter.

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Without the teaser and the retarded producers saying "we haven't seen the last of Jeff", I genuinely would have thought that Nippy was the conclusion of Gene's story and that we were going to revert to 3 episodes of Breaking Bad era.

This show has shown that a character's arc cannot conclude unless they die so I now expect to see Gene and Kim to die. Then I expect a new Jesse movie where we can see his death too because I need to be spoonfed


Lmao. The fandom is self-parody at this point

Not my call.

because this way it's epic

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the leak that let us know kim was in florida was of a building labeled "central florida legal aid". moreover, the way the legal system works is that every state has its own bar association. it's perfectly sensible that kim quit the NM bar then moved to florida and joined the FL bar

Schnauz said they didn't want another long lengthy phone call after the Francesca one and he's absolutely right

>Kim Wexler was never real Saul
>It was me, Mike, in disguise, every time

never said she would you dink

You can tell this is a Reddit comment.

Phoneposting with google keyboard

god there's still 2 episodes left... i just want this show to end so i can stop shitposting about it.

Absolutely unfathomable decision.

Nice to see Aaron Paul getting work