3 hour analysis of The Lion King remake with another part still on the way

>3 hour analysis of The Lion King remake with another part still on the way
>immediately dismisses Lynch as "pretentious" and his imagery as just "stuff that looks cool"

How is one so selectively autistic in all the worst places?

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all i know about this guy is that he is into fucking animals so who cares about what he thinks man

do you think he gets more mad when you call him a dog rapist or when you call him a let's-player

I just remember this guy getting clowned years ago for defending bestiality kek, no wonder hes spending so long on the lion king

Some of your favourite directors are probably pedophiles, so what

i don't have favorite directors, checkmate autist

Larry Clark definitely is

Any Forums will shoot down the opinions of a guy who made a bad argument about vegetarianism once while shilling roman polanski

He seriously only reviewed the first twenty minutes of Lion King?

reminder he only loves the lion king so much because he wants to fuck Scar

>3 hour analysis of a fucking childrens movie
>2.7 MILLION views
What the fuck? Who has time for that

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why on earth would you watch this OP?

During covid when nobody was working you'd see tons of these multiple hour long video essays that people would for some reason spend time watching. Guess they just decided to keep that up anyways

You don't have to watch anything in one sitting.

>YMS: Here is my review of that new movie that came out, it was preeeeeetty dumb. The plot had some sections that didn't make 100% real life iron clad sense at points. There were these child actors that did not give oscar level performances that pissed me off. The imagery and story was not 100 percent new and different so thats bad. However the worst part by far was this subtle 4 and a half seconds of music that literally no normal human being will notice or care about. It was a few notes that were barrowed from a musical score from something else i artistically remember and it bothered me because those notes were also in the wrong order, you see the c sharp comes before the minor cord here and this is significant to the emotional resonance of the original piece, but this director used it for 4 seconds her in the wrong order this one time and-
>YMS: -Over and over and over and over again. Why would you do that? THATS NOT HOW THE NOTES GO!!! Anyway if you like the same thing over and over again thats fine but im better than you and i give it a 4 out of 10

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the reset is still being made, expect it in 2 years.

Zoomers. You have to understand, in the modern social media world, you aren't allowed to have opinions. Opinions are dangerous, they get you ostracized. Instead, what you have to have is the "correct" opinion determined by the current zeitgeist. So zoomers watch videos like this to answer the question "what did I think of this movie?".

e-celeb thread....

wait, zoomers can pay attention to a 2.5 hour long video?

Probably let's-player. People typically get more mad when you say something about them that is a lie.

Is it weird that I use this video to go to bed? Like this video helps me sleep.

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They just have it running in the background and pick out a few key phrases that get constantly repeated to get the gist of it. It has to be that long to actually imprint the message onto someone who is constantly checking their twitter feed every 5 seconds.

I do. I actually like this review even though I normally hate all the reviews he usually makes and tl;dw youtube reviews in general.

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Normally people talking about areas they're clearly passionate about relaxes me in the same way but as soon as he starts screeching it takes me out of it, like something about the pitch and cadence of his voice just pisses me the fuck off

I watched mulholland drive. Boring piece of shit pretentious garbage.

Try watching it again slowly going frame by frame and thinking hard.

Hi adum