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i love to hate things

Attached: apuarmscross.jpg (656x679, 39.09K)

i love anal sex


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She has a down face

I love Sarah Lynn Gadon.

All of GenX BTFO

ugly bitch whore

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this is pretty much true for IRL socializing, though it is usually cool to talk about hating conservative values and politicians and people

she's right and gen x deserves every bit of hate for making apathy cool. It's how we got to the sad state that we are in today.

>is literally doing what webm is advocating against

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Whatever you say Liz. Note to glowies: want me to do your bidding? Send someone like liz.

The only thing I love is putting bitches like you in your place.

man she's an even bigger cunt in this scene in webm form than I imagined.

She's not wrong but that's not exactly news

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>be attractive neurotypical white woman
>playing life on very easy
>feel entitled to everyone around you being nice, kind, sincere, uncynical 100% of the time
>get mad when someone criticises thing you like because the sunshine and lollipops that comprise 99% of your life are interrupted for just a moment
hit this cunt with a shovel

this except im not an attractive white woman

>Fuck Serbia

The ironing of a woman saying this.

I liked when she fucked her dad in Oldboy.