What were they thinking?

What were they thinking?

Attached: Enchantress_empowered (7).png (1320x546, 898.4K)

There are no good shows on HBO this month.


Attached: 5c00707b8039c32d164c7634_cara-delevingne-gollum.jpg (1200x630, 74.46K)

Cara a cute and Ayer a hack!

Attached: Cara Delevingne.jpg (1440x1800, 152.88K)

need to eat that peach

the producers looked at the dailies and said
>holy shit, this bitch can't act, we need to ADR this

She's also mocapped for some reason, even though she's just wearing a bikini, she is all CG inexplicably

ever shown the cooch?

Uggo Squad OG.

Attached: uggo squad sfw 2.jpg (1893x2144, 1.24M)

>has a picture of Charlize Theron in costume as Aileen Wuornos
You retard

someone pushed this talentless idiot hard for like a year and a half

>The It-girl and model whose stunning looks have made heads turn around the world, Cara Delevingne is unquestionably a public icon. Sit back and enjoy the sexy ride and journey into all things Cara in the new documentary THE CARA PROJECT.

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Is that Bebop and Rocksteady standing next to her?

She’s got a connected family, it was pure bribes and princess syndrome

How self-indulgent

Suicide Squad was extensively fucked with late in production. The climax of the film was originally completely different and involved Joker selling them out and then going on a rant about how he was going to make Batman Vice President.

imagine the smell

I'll never understand why Beyonce is treated like a divine being. She's a singer. That's it.

Huh? What is this?
I'm watching True Blood. I only watched season 2 back it when it aired.

Who's underneath zendaya?

Get Mila off of there.

>sexy dancing model = box office sales
Didn't quite work.