Growing ever more suspicious that a close friend of mine is a homosexual and harbours feelings towards me

>growing ever more suspicious that a close friend of mine is a homosexual and harbours feelings towards me
>he invites me to a Top Gun themed party at his home

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Let him down gently user.

At least I know that my best friend is a homosexual and has feelings towards me (not gay btw, just a tranny chaser but my friend isn't a tranny so oh well)

whats wrong with playing with the boys?

suck his dick. if he cums hes definitely gay

Do you like him? :3

ask him if he’s a faggot and gently inform him that if he is trying to fag you in the ass you will regretfully have to slit his throat with a butcher knife and saw back and forth until you get to the spinal column and then twist the head off the corpse and throw it down a storm drain unless he immediately agrees to never contact you again and never interact with you or attempt to continue his gay criminal stalking and attempted criminal sexual coercion of you
If you don’t put your foot down with these people the next thing you know they’ll have their cock in your mouth.

imagine living in a country where such haram is tolerated by the authorities. I have pity for you.

Don't throw it down the storm drain that's littering. Put it in the garden for compost

>not gay btw, just a tranny chaser
nigga you gay

that seems a little extra

>you can bring what ever you like, it's just gonna be you and me

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Too late, my cock's already in your mouth

>friend tells me he's gay and that he's into me
>let him suck my dick because I'm a 29 year old khv and I was just that desperate
>he sucks my soul out of my dick while playing with and squeezing my balls, cum down his throat harder than I've ever cum in my life
>cum even comes out of his nose
>he moves to another state a few months later
>never have sex again
>not even gay

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Ask him what his favorite scene in the movie is.

Lucky bastard

>never have sex again
Butt sex doesn’t count, you’re still a khv

>compost an entire skull
You must have very acidic soil, I am jealous.

just dump it in a box with wood ash and urine

even bones turn to mush after a while

Can you not just buy corrosive materials in your country?

nta but if he's european then no because muslims don't know how to behave themselves

Wood ash and urine, you say? I will make a note of it.

How closeted are you that you'd spend any amount of time typing this cringe, edge-lord garbage out? It's 2022, bro. Go suck a dick and let it out.

>I’m not gay I just like fucking men with long hair and make up
You’re a homosexual too

brb going to burn some wood

sure but why bother when i can easily dispose of if myself without the hassle?

corrosive substances aren't controlled anywhere retard