Would you support this?

Would you support this?

Attached: af3fw.png (1460x228, 16.71K)

Support it? Of course! Who wants gay in their enter?

Yes. gay subplots are badly written

it's sad that you literally have to watch everything before letting your kids see it these days just to make sure it's clean of fag and tranny shit

literal fucking cancer

Is that in Utah?

yes, so long as they also introduce an N rating

>muh trigger warnings
chuds have come full circle

Why not an F?

What even is the point, they already show the production year and we know that everything in the last decade would have it, no exceptions


Also this

Why is a trigger warning ok here but not for othet topics like suicide?

I would be fine with trigger warnings as long as it was inclusive to us.

>Black people warning
>Tranny warning
>Fag warning
>Female empowerment warning
>Too many sex scenes warning

Chuds in youtube comments of the trailer and in every discussion board online already do this.

No. Just don't allow it at all under obscenity laws.
>But muh first amendment
Obscenity laws were always accounted for in the founding of America. The first covers political speech

And it’s a category at the Oscars

An N rating?

>he doesn't even see the irony

frankly it wouldn't be bad having homo stuff in media at the rate it's in if gayness weren't ALWAYS presented as GOOD. like there's never the filmmaker's demonstrated perspective that "this faggot is stupid" or "this is a reason why you shouldn't be gay" etc in film.
the problem is that the subject just keeps being presented through the same framework of acceptance as the central message being conveyed. i am sick of this theme being played through the same way again and again which is why i have seen enough of the homo shit

NN rating

Nit him, but what's ironic?

It means when something has the attributes or qualities of iron

Not the person that you are replying to. If you can use "trigger warnings" to promote your agenda, I should be able to use them too to promote mine.

Things that I don't like, and would like to filter: Specially-crafted propaganda targeted at women and children, disgusting, morally/sexually depraved, purposely destroy/subvert the very people who created everything good in the world, would be (rightfully) considered reprehensible in 99% of cultures pre-2010s

Things that you don't like and would like to filter: The truth, statistics, funny jokes based on observational about dumb black people/gays/women/fatties.

About the post, pedantic user

>Dude everyone that hates liberalism and faggotry is a conservative
How do you manage your day to day life while being this out of touch?