Why tf didn’t Isildur kill him at this exact moment...

Why tf didn’t Isildur kill him at this exact moment? Surely letting the ring continue to exist is more immoral than killing one man?

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Because then he'd have to toss the ring into the volcano.

Why didn't the eagles just fly into the sun and fucking die?

And then there would be all out war between Numenoreans and Elves.

He could have just said he tripped and fell into the lava, they were the only guys there

why wouldn't he just lie

why is it that not a single person in all of middle earth tried to stick their penis in the ring?

We don't even hear what Isildur's tax policy was.
So unrealistic.

I think you got the names reversed retard. But in any case Elrond didn't kill Isildur to get rid of the Ring because he's a pussy ass bitch like all knife-ears are deep down in their core, but also because the Numenoreans were actually a powerful force back then and they wouldn't take well to their King suddenly not coming back from a shady meetup with a shifty ass elf after the greatest victory of their age.

Elves are immortal, they literally can’t be beaten in war

He would have snapped that twink bitch in two with almost zero effort.

God you're dumb. Perhaps I am too for reply to that nonsense.

It’s not my fault that I fucked up the names. Isildur sounds like more of an elven name than fucking Elrond

because the nigga was holding the ring of sauron in his hand
he could have easily slipped the ring on his finger and started throwing invisible hands

you mean why didn't elrond kill him?

He didn't even need to kill him, just knock him out and throw the ring into the lava


Didn't we see a lot of them die during the Two Towers film though?

In the books, Elrond doesn't know that the Ring literally contains the soul of Sauron and that he isn't dead. He wants it destroyed, but accepts Isuldur taking it as a weregild for his father's death.

Because this scene was fabricated by Hackson and in the book Elrond had absolutely no idea the ring contained Sauron's soul and he thought Sauron was dead just like everyone else did at the time.
As you well knew before making another pointless lord of the rings thread

Just saved them a boat ride to Valinor