/hor/ - Horror General

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adulthood is realzing F13 part V is one of the best

I'm thinking about rewatching them all


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what are some horror movies?

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This but with Freddy vs. Jason

The Danny Steinmann kino stack

The Unseen (1980)
Savage Streets (1984)
F13 part V (1985)

The Lift

The Others

what are some movies?

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harry hendersons

What are some bad horror movies that are fun to make fun of with your friends while you watch?

anyone who didn't like Freddy vs Jason as a kid is a faggot

It Chapter 2

It Follows

Movies that actually scared/unsettled you?

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That one scene of the homeless man in Mulholland Drive scared me shitless the first time I saw

Martyrs (2008) first time I watched it alone in the dark smoking weed, had no idea what it was about