K, wait... this is supposed to be the "Trump" anagram?

k, wait... this is supposed to be the "Trump" anagram?

Well Jesus christ, what an actual compliment.

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Aye. Well said, fellow incel.

sorry, I meant analogy. fuck the grammar police.

Homage, or allegory, I think you mean.

It's the orange skin, you see?

this tv show IRONICALLY proves why Trump is the best, and will win again. Once the cheat is off the market. Its already been exposed via 2000 mules, it can't happen again. Nuh uh.

Nore of a netaphore

>use wrong word
>get called on it
'fuck the grammar police'
maybe learn how to speak, moron

unsurprising you're a trump voter, since all trumpists are retarded without exception

Dumb ESL

that a fact, Xir?

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im tired of hearing about trump
everyone shut the fuck up about him
everyone i dont care who you are
left right center
shut the fuck up
i dont care i dont care i dont care

unironically, this kid gets it. Trump is the actual president elect, and yeah, there's nothing really to talk about either.

I'm sure there's the rare grifter just doing it to con the retards and make some money, but yes for the most part its retards and populists all the way down

>retards and populists all the way down
this is what MSNBC and the Clinton-Soros-ites want you to believe. Apparently. And its not working so well.

Why are rightoids so retarded?

goddamn it, the actual word is very similar, will you just fucking relax your grammar nazi-ism.

Just the sort of word-salad non-response I'd expect from a trumpist, I hope one day to meet one that isn't retarded but today is not that day

lel, try trolling harder. you know what I said.

>this is what MSNBC and the Clinton-Soros-ites want you to believe.
Daily reminder Trump lost, had his fans riot in the Capitol, pardoned NONE of them, and the Republicans all said it was horrible and ran away behind closed doors, but tell you that they support you.
Trump doesn't give a fuck about you and the Republicans have zero principles, not even democracy, and will say whatever they have to in order to get your vote so they can get their tax breaks.

sometimes cfnm is hot. especially when shes kind of busted like Colby. I bet she cups the balls tho and has some nice banter before taking a load to her hair

Faggot show for faggots

everyone knows conservatives are natural born slaves inclined towards cuckoldry which is why they consistently vote against their own interests but imagine once again supporting him in 2024 after how he abandoned them on jan 6 and how he spent the last two years shilling the vaccines lol
these people are even bigger cucks that whites who still vote for dems the party full on cheering their genocide lol