Unironically he is doing well, came out and did his best in the new season of Umbrella Academy...

Unironically he is doing well, came out and did his best in the new season of Umbrella Academy. Even if you dont agree with the transition you must at least admit he is brave to endure all this criticism and still participate in a role where he was previously playing a girl.

Attached: 1656278112145.jpg (1080x1079, 202.26K)


Damn bros... he could easily star in live action JoJos. Should he be Jotaro or Joseph? Frankly I think he could play either one.


>came out
from where though

I imagine a swift, robotic, low framerate 90 degree turn was taken right before the picture. That's the only explanation.

>never should of come here

Getting jacked too!

All she does is get coddled, if she was brave she would keep on playing a girl and you know act.

That picture is great. see, if she were a woman, which she clearly isn't anymore, the wall would have stopped and defeat her. But now that she's a man, a manly man, she's leaving the wall behind. The wall does not affect her anymore, now that she's a man.

he's more of a doppio

>tfw you look like Elliot Page
>you also have a similar personality as him
I always thought I was Ryan Gosling, but now I realise, I am actually Elliot Page.

So brave.

The people that criticize him can't comprehend that level of self acceptance. Everything they do centers around how they think others see them, they're extremely insecure and would probably suicide if in Elliot's position, so they really on some level don't get why he seems so ok with himself.
It takes an incredible amount of not giving a fuck to come out as trans, either mtf or ftm.

Being a man is pretty awesome honestly, we tend to get BETTER with age instead of worse, I can understand wanting to become one of us

xhe is following in Jacob Collins' footsteps and trying to become Julian

Attached: Treena_Lahey.jpg (640x480, 147.73K)

I think he would look a lot cuter as a girl.

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If this pose doesn’t intimidate you, then you’re lying.




Attached: E1883324-E236-44A1-A77C-17F300F907C0.jpg (512x512, 76.59K)

actually he is straight (likes girls)

Attached: file.png (819x1023, 639.57K)

>can’t wait to count out your coin


I’ve pooped bigger turds than this you will never be a manlet

why do girls who become guys choose to be the douchiest guys possible?