He's not funny

He's not funny.

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He was though

But he's loud!!! And from the East Coast!!!

But he's not wrong.

Before he met his disgusting ugly wife he was funny, and a good actor. Now he is a caricature of himself. At least Louis CK got btfo'd by Hollywood before he sold out completely.

Always sucked
>eyyy Women amirite? Whats up with them broads ehehe

[Insert current political topic] crazy right? hehehehe

His podcast is hilarious at times. He's funniest alone by himself in a hotel room than compared to when he's onstage.

>le centrist liberal comedian
Wow, really original.trsm8n

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I cant think of one joke or punchline this guy ever had. He's all set up and then fake outrage. What a hack.

Worst comedian I’ve ever seen live. Was looking forward to the show being over. How he ever got famous is beyond me.

yep. like Louis CK, he was funny once in awhile then just got up there and started ranting about stupid stuff.

Any Forums got to him. it gets to us all

He's baby's first edgy comedian definitely same topics nonstope bore the shit out of me

His last 2 specials are atrociously bad. Like almost Brendan Schaub level bad. It's a shame too because he was/is my favorite comedian. Nobody else could make me laugh like his earlier stuff.

>you know...I really fucking hate my children *laughs at his own joke*
>my fucking children...*laughs again*

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cool captcha faggot

Owitz Brudle

Neither are you

He's ok. People from Boston are so fucking annoying though. Same for New Yorkers. Fuck that whole region.

Yep this. He's funnier when he's being spontaneous than in his current cringe stand up shows

>my two neurons can't understand humor more nuanced than dad jokes

Luoie is still funny though. I saw his last special live and he had me in stitches

Louis is still funny tho, Bill was funny but is now awful. He no longer resonates and his newer material doesn't come off as a genuine commentary. Glad I saw him just before he went off the deep end.