I miss this lil nigga like you wouldnt believe

i miss this lil nigga like you wouldnt believe

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vagrant holiday confirmed for AVGN fan

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He's a bit of a parasite faggot. Let's hope he dies of cancer, desu

Did he die or something? I thought i heard he went to ukraine for a video and then well nothing

>lol mexico isnt dangerous shithole at all. people are just pussies

Where's the part II of the island prison? In the video at the it says "wait for part II" or something like that

All your fault sharing this with normies til they inevitably flooded his comment section telling him to open up a go fund me

He’ll be back soon, probably filmed something over the summer..or got mugged again and said “fuck it”

>go fund me
what for? more shitty humus?

vid link? I would like to see that

Why do normalfags want to throw their money away?

Idk but they were practically begging to him to accept their money

His videos are interesting but he has the worst attitude.

>Here's paris or something, everything sucks
>let a local girl suck my unwashed penis
>bought some bread at a 711
>everything sucks lol
>im nilhistic and stuff

I just summarized every video he ever made

Yea that’s what makes it extra good. Imagine a happy go lucky Boy Scout attitude you desire. That’s fag shit

the prison island one was interesting. i have no idea why anyone would travel just to eat the same shitty food and sleep on used needles

He goes a little overboard on the cynicism sometimes but I actually find it a little refreshing in this format since most travel shows are about how magnificent everything is. VH just kind of hangs out and has a little adventure so I like that.

>how magnificent everything is
well it better be if you are going to bother traveling there

Just look up Vagrant Holiday Machete Cut. Unfortunately he doesn't have footage of himself being robbed because they took his camera too.

To be fair, at least he uploaded the video and showed his mistake. Takes some gumption, I guess

He doesn’t fall into the “travel is life” bullshit, and I appreciate his universal cynicism

He didn't learn his lesson after Portugal

VH would be insufferable in real life but his shitty personality leads to very compelling videos. The project works because of the very pointlessness of it all. There would be no logical reason to do what he does, so as a result we see something we would never see if he were a normally functioning person.

No one is asking him to be Anthony Bordain, but at the same time no one wants to hear a guy who's hanging out in Japan piss and moan about how awful life is either. It's cool to act like that when you're a 17-year-old antifa junior who just listens to death metal all day, but this dude is grown. No one is impressed anymore.

havent seen portugal, did he get robbed there too?

But the reality is that tourist spots kind of suck and places seem more magical than they really are when you live somewhere else. I appreciate that he essentially just shows things as they are, even if he's a bit too cynical sometimes. And I agree with his philosophy to a certain extent. If I'm visiting somewhere new I don't just want to visit hot spots and check off boxes on to-do list or eat at fancy restaurants and buy things. I'd rather meet people and live life there for a few days to see how it is. But with that said, I don't have a problem with people eating some good food or visiting a site they've always wanted to see, I just think traveling should be more than that or you shouldn't bother. VH at least has interesting stories to tell.

>i miss this lil nigga
what are you, black? stop speaking like a monkey

Sucker punched and chased after pretending he had drugs in a drug dealing area. They tried to take his toothpaste or whatever it actually was.

Yea, he got robbed multiple times. One time he got held up by some immigrant drug dealer but managed to escape, another time he got pinched in the glasses but didn't lose too much of his stuff, but then when he came back to where he stashed his bag it was stolen. It's pretty shocking how shit Portugal was.