Any Forums humor thread

Any Forums humor thread

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>double tap
Fucking phonezoomers, I swear.

for my chud friends

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Those things are fucking freaky. Man made horrors.

> Any Forums humor thread
These are always started by Disney's GPT-3s and babysat by mods.

right is missing the bloody, pus-leaking genital wound

So the mentally ill can make a decent joke once in a while

You forgot: and then kill myself when I realize it was a mistake

transsexuals live in the minds of alt right incels rent free 24/7 365 end of story

inb4 200 replies from the mentally ill chuds to the second post


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euphoria fans will understand

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The world is ending, isn't it.

this is actually funny

Do zoomers not understand what POV stands for? This isn't the POV of someone who got in a car crash with Jules, it's a POV of the fucking door handle.

>Do zoomers not understand what POV stands for?

It's a one man operation. He can't magically float the camera at the right height.

i dont get it. how is it Any Forums?

Then just don't call it POV, it's not that hard. No one made him use that title, he chose to.

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People transition BECAUSE they want to be their real selves. Chuds can't understand this

their real self is a drugged up, mutilated freak?

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>chud is unable to grasp the concept of personality and introspection