Dem skiez...dem shtrange

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I'll bite.

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why do they give niggers blue ye contacts? they despise light skin but love light eyes?

>Brown= Black

You can keep denying niggerwashing is a thing but it's blatantly obvious to anyone whose not an autist.

user you're replying to bait

It's summer, redditors are out in full force that unironically believe that blackwashing is a good thing


yeah but images like the one you responded to are too obvious, whoever made it isn't trying to argue, just provoke

I'm a born and bred republican and I honestly think this diversity angle in media is a good thing. Us Americans need to find strength in togetherness in trying times.

Jesus Christ. So fucking ugly

How come they always get out of their ways to find the worst looking moon crickets?

there's a skid row in middle earth?

You know, you don't have to be racist.

They're Cheddar man proto hobbits.

how tf can you look at this and not think it looks ridiculous?

Some people have a skin darker than their own shit.

Just let that sink in. Being darker than your own turds.

Hell, I even reckon it might be time for a gay gentleman to have his way with my asshole. I've had my turn with it for long enough. At this point it's just greed to keep it for myself when a historically oppressed minority would find better use for it. It might even help even out this power imbalance.

Oh I know, I just want to be.

If you equate not being a racist fool with spreading your butt cheeks for a homosexual man then I think you might be two bells short of a church there, amigo.

>RINO homosexual worships nignogs
Everyone knows what you people are like. Just hurry up and die civcuck.

It's okay to be racist

I am not a rhinocerous I am a human being who has lived on God's green earth longer than your tallywhacker. You new breed ain't republicans. You're silly little children looking to hurt as many people as you can. Barely even human.

I'm trans, btw. Not sure if that matters.

Well, I can't say I condone it, son. But it's your life and living it your way is out of my hands. I hope someday you find peace.

Oh,it do... It do.

Lenny Henry is the chancellor of the university my gf recently graduated from. He made the entire ceremony about him and was excessively enthusiastic whenever he greeted a black student, to the point that it felt like he was undermining everyone else that was graduating. I was never really a fan but it's soured my perception of him for life.
The fact that he's seen as some sort of spokesman for the West Midlands is embarrassing.

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He's a massive racist. Amazon cast a bunch of true agenda clowns. And not by accident, I am sure.

It's the same thing.

Blacks don't have to live here. They're free to return to Africa at any time, for any reason, no questions asked. They choose to live here, so I choose to be racist.

Well I see you have a lot to learn about life, son. And you ain't gonna learn it on this website, that's for sure.

Their ancestors were dragged their against their will.There will be black families that go back farther than yours making them more American than you.

*dragged there
It's been a long fucking week.

absolutely exquisite bait.

I hope they pay you overtime.

>and was excessively enthusiastic whenever he greeted a black student,
is there a video of this?

I think Lady G is on this board. Say hello to Lady G

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